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Directed by Tsutomu Mizushima (Shirobako) and written by Reiko Yoshida (Violet Evergarden), the season was produced by Bandai Namco’s animation studio Actas, and quickly caught on. The series’ first film, appropriately titled Girls und Panzer der Film, was released in Japan in 2015. The film is a proper sequel to the TV season and saw the return of Mizushima and Yoshida, among other cast and crew. Then in 2017, the first of a six-part finale was released in theaters. Titled Girls und Panzer das Finale, two more of the promised six films featuring a returning cast and crew have been released since with Part 4 currently in production. Seems mostly simple, right? But, there are also 10 OVA episodes scattered throughout those major releases. Actas began producing supplementary OVA episodes almost immediately to expand upon the initial season, with six original episodes out by the end of 2013. The series’ seventh OVA, however, was a bigger event. At 38 minutes long, Girls und Panzer: This Is the Real Anzio Battle! saw its own theatrical release in 2014. Like previous OVAs it was set within the TV season, taking place during episode seven. The short film depicts the episode seven battle between Ōarai Girls’ Academy and Anzio High School.Berkeley, California: Stone Bridge Press. ISBN 9781880656235. ^ a b Alverson, Brigid (May 27, 2011). "Sailor Moon 101: Pretty, Powerful, And Pure of Heart". MTV. Archived from the original on April 16, 2018.