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When Takamura found an album in Aoki's house and found an image of Aoki and Kimura in their delinquent days, Ippo was curious about their past. Ippo, Takamura, and Aoki then go to Kimura's house where they were informed by his mother that he has a fever. When they entered Kimura's room, Ippo saw an Arowana, which Kimura deemed his pride and joy. When Ippo fed the fish, it fainted, not realising it was Kimura's aspirin. This made Kimura angry and hit Aoki, wondering why he came. Ippo then pointed out that Aoki and Kimura looked like they got along well in their delinquent photos, wanting to know details about their past. Aoki and Kimura then told Ippo their past as delinquents up to when they won their debut matches. After telling Ippo their story, Takamura teased the two by offering them to hit him, causing Aoki and Kimura to retaliate and hit Ippo for starting it until Ippo pointed out that the fish was up and moving. Mountain Training Arc Ippo telling Kamogawa that the Dempsey Roll won't work on Sendō. Ippo watched Sendō's first title defence match against Saeki on TV. He was amazed how Sendō won, thinking that Sendō was predicting his opponent's movements using a sixth sense.