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As Mashiba began using his method for his world title match, Ippo dodged a Flicker Jab, then stepped his right foot over Mashiba's left foot and started throwing a left. Mashiba leaned back, and Ippo realised his left is going to miss because Mashiba is farther back, and his right is coming. Ippo noticed that since Mashiba is farther back, he should be able to guard in time, however, he was shocked as he got his by Mashiba's right body blow. Ippo didn't understand how it happened, but planned to take it as many times it takes in order to be helpful. Ippo dodged and blocked two head shots before stepping in and getting hit with a right body blow. That happened two times before Ippo realised how Mashiba's new stance works: he sticks out his front leg to create a "barrier" that makes it hard to push in, and with his upper body more squared up, his right will be closer to his opponent, making it reach longer. Ippo told Mashiba that his method for the world title match is amazing, which Mashiba countered with a left jab. Ippo began to block a barrage of punches while thinking of how Mashiba's already hard to dodge left is even harder now that he has to focus on Mashiba's right as well now because of the new stance. Ippo saw a right coming and guarded his body since it was an unguarded area, however, he got hit in the face, as Mashiba predicted he would lower his guard. Ippo and Mashiba's deciding dual exchange. After the three round spar ended, Ippo was glad they are both uninjured. 62024Avatar : Le dernier maître de l'air7. 72024The Vince Staples Show6. 62024Shōgun02024Fallout5. 92024Bien dans son assiette : La preuve par deux👨‍💼 Acteurs en vogue1Sirena Gulamgaus2Alexandra Jensen3Angeli Khang4Alicia Silverstone5Tom Hanks6Benicio del Toro7Ryan Gosling8Asa Butterfield👋Vous avez tout vu !Essayez l'une des options suivantes :Vérifiez ce qui est nouveauParcourez les populairesEmpire Streaming - Découvrez des Films et Séries GratuitsQuels sont les meilleurs films gratuits en streaming ?Avec l'essor des plateformes de streaming, il est désormais possible de regarder une multitude de films gratuitement en ligne. Cependant, entre les sites légaux et illégaux, il n'est pas toujours évident de s'y retrouver. Voici quelques-uns des meilleurs sites pour visionner légalement des films gratuits en streaming de qualité.
"[38] Time included the film on its Top 5 Anime film list,[39] Total Film ranked Perfect Blue twenty-fifth on their list of greatest animated films,[40] and /Film named it the scariest animated film ever. [41] It also made the list for Entertainment Weekly's best movies never seen from 1991 to 2011. [42] In 2022, IndieWire named Perfect Blue the twelfth best movie of the 1990s. [43] Dennis Harvey of Variety wrote that while the film "ultimately disappoints with its just-middling tension and underdeveloped scenario, it still holds attention by trying something different for the genre". [4] Hoai-Tran Bui of /Film called Perfect Blue "deeply violent, both physically and emotionally", writing that "this is a film that will leave you with profound psychological scars, and the feeling that you want to take a long, long shower". [41] Bob Graham of the San Francisco Chronicle noted the film's ability to "take the thriller, media fascination, psychological insight and pop culture and stand them all on their heads" via its "knowing, adult view of what seems to be a young-teenage paradise.