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Nautiljon propose également plusieurs sections dédiées aux jeux vidéo, à la musique et même aux films asiatiques. La section boutique est particulièrement appréciable, car elle regroupe toutes les boutiques de mangas en France et dans d’autres pays. Si vous n’avez pas encore visité Nautiljon, ne perdez pas de temps ! 26-VostAnimez Vostanimez. tv : un site de streaming d’animes gratuit qui diffuse des classiques. VostAnimez est un site qui regroupe des animes de toutes les générations. Vous y trouverez des grands classiques comme Dragon Quest ou Cobra, mais aussi des séries plus récentes. C’est l’un des rares sites d’animes qui proposent de regarder des animes diffusés sur Netflix. Choisissez entre VF et VOSTFR, séries et films. Le site vous permet de choisir entre la version française (VF) et la version originale sous-titrée en français (VOSTFR), et de regarder des séries ou des films. Recherche facile et intuitive. Pour trouver votre anime préféré, vous pouvez utiliser la barre de recherche, les filtres disponibles directement depuis le menu principal, ou naviguer sur la page d’accueil.[25] Some critics in the West have viewed Grave of the Fireflies as an anti-war film due to the graphic and emotional depiction of the pernicious repercussions of war on a society, and the individuals therein. The film focuses its attention almost entirely on the personal tragedies that war gives rise to, rather than seeking to glamorize it as a heroic struggle between competing nations. It emphasizes that war is society's failure to perform its most important duty: to protect its own people. [26] However, Takahata repeatedly denied that the film was an anti-war film. In his own words, it "is not at all an anti-war anime and contains absolutely no such message". Instead, Takahata had intended to convey an image of the brother and sister living a failed life due to isolation from society and invoke sympathy particularly in people in their teens and twenties. [27][28] Since the film gives little context to the war, Takahata feared a politician could just as easily claim fighting is needed to avoid such tragedies. In general, he was skeptical that depictions of suffering in similar works, such as Barefoot Gen, actually prevent aggression. The director was nevertheless an anti-war advocate, a staunch supporter of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, and has openly criticized Japan's penchant for conformity, allowing them to be rallied against other nations. He expressed despair and anxiety whenever the youth are told to fall in line, a reminder that the country at its core has not changed. [29] Despite the public's emotional reaction, Takahata expressed that the purpose of the film was not to be a tragedy or make people cry.