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Vivotant de petits boulots ingrats tout juste bons à payer le loyer d'un studio miteux, il se lamente sur le désert de sa vie amoureuse lorsqu'il apprend la mort de Hinata, la seule petite amie qu'il ait eue. La jeune fille et son frère ont été les victimes collatérales d'un règlement de comptes entre les membres d'un gigantesque gang, le Tokyo Manji-kai. Encore sous le choc, Takemichi est à son tour victime d'un accident qui le ramène inexplicablement 12 ans en arrière, lorsqu'il était au collège et se donnait des airs de mauvais garçon. Et si c'était pour lui l'occasion de sauver Hinata ? Mais en tentant de modifier le futur, Takemichi se retrouvera inexorablement mêlé aux complots se tramant autour du Tokyo Manji-kai et de son charismatique et mystérieux leader. Genres Amour, Délinquance, Ecole, Mort, Vengeance, Voyage temporel Sources : Nautiljon, Anime-Sama. Cliquer sur une pub est le meilleur moyen de nous soutenir. Qui sommes-nous Anime-Sama est un site de référencement et de catalogage sans publicités dérangeantes, créé par des passionnés de l’animation et du divertissement APAC.Garp then asked what Kong had to be scared of if he had escorts, but when Kong mentioned Roger was involved, Garp immediately declared that he was going. However, the Rocks Pirates had already left Hachinosu. On God Valley, while the competition was underway, Ivankov started rallying several people by telling them that none of them would escape from this "game" alive, and when it was all said and done, the events would be hidden from the history books. Some people believed that they would go free if they survived the three weeks of the competition, but Ivankov stated that was a lie to give them false hope in order to make the game more interesting. Therefore, if they wanted to live, they needed to move right now. With help from a shark fish-man, Ivankov was freed from his chains, and Ginny told everyone that two of competition's prizes would be their means of escape: the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu and the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. Ivankov said that with these two Devil Fruits, they could make it off the island and past the Marine blockade, but the problem was that the fruits were in the center of the island. However, Ginny revealed that she was skilled in thieving, wiretapping, and broadcasting, and all of this information had been leaked to the outside world about two weeks ago, so she was positive someone had heard it. When Ginny said that they needed a decoy for this plan to work, Kuma volunteered, citing that his strong physiology would protect him, and he would rather risk his own life than others. Ivankov accepted but stated that he would not let Kuma die either. Soon, the Rocks Pirates and other pirate crews started attacking the Marines, catching them off guard.