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The students retreat inside the music room. Cheong-san, who saw Gwi-nam get bit during their fight, argues that Nam-ra is infected, but she remains human and does not turn. On-jo suggests that she, Gwi-nam, and Eun-ji developed a form of immunity to the virus. Unbeknownst to them, Na-yeon is hiding inside a nearby locked storage room stocked with food. At the restaurant, Jae-ik and Ho-chul rescue a young girl named Se-bin. So-ju escapes the encampment and heads towards the school to rescue On-jo.Animeflix: Immersive platform to watch anime series without any interruptions. Zoro. to: A treasure for anime fans to enjoy dubbed and subbed anime content. Crunchyroll: Legal and premium platform to access anime manga and top shows. What is Anime Sama? Anime Sama is a free portal to access and watch anime content on any device. With stable internet connectivity to your device, you can open the platform and tune into the latest episodes of your favorite anime shows. Moreover, there is no mandatory requirement to complete a registration process to watch the anime on the platform. Is Anime Sama Down or Still Working in 2024? The Anime Sama platform is working in 2024. You can access the platform on your preferred choice of smart device through the following domain. https://anime-sama. fr/ The site is not a reliable option, as it goes down without any warning.