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Boruto wanted to help, but Konohamaru insisted that this mission's newest variables made the danger-level to S-Rank, meaning they had to progress cautiously. Suddenly, Boruto's Kāma activated again, causing Boruto agony. At the same time,
Kawaki's own Kāma activated, giving him newfound energy and proceeded to kill Garō. Boruto activated his own mark, using it to absorb the shockwave to protect his team-mates. Seeing this convinced Kawaki more than ever that they were with Kara before he fainted. As Katasuke examined the boy, he determined that Kawaki was in fact the result of an unprecedented Ninja Tech, as his entire being was modified. It was decided that they bring Kawaki to Naruto. In the anime, while Konohamaru went to
report to the Hokage, Team 7 brought Kawaki back to the research institute to be examined. Eventually Kawaki was able to escape the facility, prompting Naruto to intervene and subdue the foreigner. In Konoha, Boruto continued wondering how his mark was related to Kawaki. In the anime, during which, he continued caring for Mugino's turtle.