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02. Portrait d'AnnickLe Flambeau, les Aventuriers de . Portrait de SosoLe Flambeau, les Aventuriers de .

Ippo attacking Matsuura with the New Dempsey Roll. At the gym, Ippo had a spar request from junior lightweight boxer Matsuura. When they sparred, Ippo took some hits until he got close enough to motion the Dempsey Roll. Instead of the usual left and right hooks, Ippo threw an uppercut from below, breaking Matsuura's guard. Ippo continued attacking with the New Dempsey Roll, hitting Matsuura with left and right hooks and uppercuts until Matsuura leaned on the ropes, making Ippo miss an uppercut. Matsuura's coach soon stopped the spar to prevent his boxer from any further injuries. After Ippo was scolded by Kamogawa for missing the uppercut, he felt that he has a long way to go for the New Dempsey Roll. Ippo's realisation of a diagonal Dempsey Roll. While continuing Kamogawa's training menu, he was approached by Kamogawa. Kamogawa revealed to him that his New Dempsey Roll would be neither entirely horizontal or vertical, but diagonally, and if his opponent backs away, he would let his momentum carry him forward to hit them with a Gazelle Punch. Ippo tested the new idea out and was amazed how smooth it was when he shifts his weight.


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Retrieved July 8, 2014. ^ Packard, Matt (September 1, 2014). "Akame ga Kill! Episodes 1–8". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on September 4, 2014. Retrieved September 2, 2014. ^ Sherman, Jennifer (December 2, 2016). "Grave of the Fireflies Tops Poll of Anime's Most Miserable Endings". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on April 22, 2023. Retrieved November 7, 2020. Musashi's training, Matahachi and his family's troubles, the events directly leading to Musashi's fight against Baiken Shishido. The story then reverts to 17 years before the story's start, featuring Kojirō Sasaki's difficult upbringing with Jisai Kanemaki adopting him, various displays of character backstories, and his growth as a genius samurai despite being deaf-mute. At his coming-of-age, Ittōsai returns dragging Kojirō to a night fight. He travels with Ittōsai and Gonnosuke with a brief encounter with Takezō at the battlefield of Sekihagara, their splitting, the situation of Sadakore's squad, the fights against the peasant groups, Kojirō's fight against Sadakore's squad. After Kojiro's arc ends, Musashi meets Kojiro again while playing with a snowman simulating a brief sword fight in the process. Musashi meets Matahachi who expresses jealousy over Musashi's achievements and apparent relationship with Otsu. This angers Musashi and leaves his old friend. Musashi then fights the 70 Yoshioka all alone. Although he kills all of them, one of them leaves him with a severe wound. The aftermath of Musashi's solo battle, has him his return to wandering despite being offered the position of mentor. Meanwhile, Matahachi's mother passes away, leaving his son to tell the story of the manga.
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