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", or "Mrs. ", -san is almost universally added to a person's name; -san can be used in formal and informal contexts, regardless of the person's gender. [2] It is also commonly used to convert common nouns into proper ones, as discussed below. San may be used in combination with workplace nouns, so a bookseller might be addressed or referred to as hon'ya-san ("bookstore" + san) and a butcher as nikuya-san ("butcher's shop" + san). San is sometimes used with company names. For example, the offices or shop of a company called Kojima Denki might be referred to as "Kojima Denki-san" by another nearby company.The TV5MONDEplus app on LG and Samsung will be coming soon! When downloading the app, click on the program you are interested in watching, then select your provider from the on-screen list and enter your provider login information. Title (plain) Where can I stream French movies? Body The easiest way to stream French films in America is via TV5MONDEplus, which offers thousands of French programs with English subtitles. The streaming platform offers a variety of films - from French New Wave to box-office comedies - French TV shows and many programs from francophone channels around the world. Title (plain) Does my provider have TV5MONDEplus ? Body We are in the process of expanding the availability of TV5MONDEplus throughout the US. TV5MONDEplus is currently offered through the following providers: Altice one, COX, Dish, Frontier, Hotwire Communications, LUS Fiber, Optimum and Sling TV. If you have an active account with any of these providers, you can enter your login information to access TV5MONDEplus. Title (plain) Can I stream French movies for free? Body If you are a TV5MONDE subscriber, you now have free access to TV5MONDEplus, the new French streaming platform available across America. Enjoy 1000 of French films and TV series for free and start streaming now on your TV, computer, tablet and smartphone. Title (plain) Can I watch French movies with English subtitles? Body With TV5MONDEplus, you can stream French films and shows with English subtitles. So start learning French while watching French movies with the streaming platform TV5MONDEplus. Title (plain) Will watching French movies help with my French? Body Yes, streaming French films and TV shows will definitely help you with learning French by extending your vocabulary and training your ear to hear French, even with background noise.