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[63] In December 2011, JoJo signed a deal with skin care brand Clearasil to become the new spokeswoman for Clearasil's PerfectaWash. [64] In October 2012, JoJo was cast and began working on the film G. B. F. [65][66] JoJo was cast as Soledad Braunstein who is the President of the Gay Straight Alliance. [65][67] The film was shot in Los Angeles over 18 days by director Darren Stein. [65] In early 2012, JoJo toured with Big Time Rush for five dates of their Better with U Tour. [68] A promotional single, "Sexy to Me", was made available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon on February 28, 2012. [69] JoJo, wanting to go in a new direction with her third studio album, released "Demonstrate", produced by Noah "40" Shebib,[70] to radio on July 17, 2012. It was intended to be the new lead single from Jumping Trains, but its commercial release as a single was eventually scrapped despite a music video having been filmed. [71][72] After Blackground Records lost their distribution deal through Interscope Records in late 2012,[73] resulting once again in the delay of the release of an album, JoJo began recording new material specifically for a new mixtape to be released by the end of the year, as she "didn't want to keep the fans waiting for new music any longer".Vous avez le choix entre la liste d’animes et la liste de scans de mangas, et vous pouvez ensuite filtrer vos résultats par version française (VF) ou version originale sous-titrée en français (VOSTFR).
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