dessin animé pour enfants de 4 ans
In the middle of the anime, some characters just disappeared, but I guess
that we will find out what happened to them at some point. Other than that the plot is smoothly running and most episodes are fairly interesting.
From the opening theme, to the ending theme every little bit of sound effect is pleasant for the ears. The commercial break sounds, the heavily distorted sounds of shooting, the sound of electricity when characters are on a spree, Barou’s awakening guitar/drums. The sound effects of this anime are clearly made to hype you up, to go outside and kick a football as hard as you can, to beat the person
better than you, to finally finish your assignment, to do some actual hard work, or to go back to play some competitive games and give all your best.
Here, is where the anime fails. Comparing the art style of the manga and the one of the anime is like comparing Berserk manga to the latest adaptations. Throughout this review I have praised the anime for hyping me up, but just by looking at the animation and art style the hype lasts a couple of seconds. The
sparks and colorful mist around players is so poorly made. I understand the reason behind them, but just seeing the poor quality really ruins their whole existence. The 3D is just as horrible and noticeable as most of other 3D animations in anime.
On paper, this seems like a fairly simple decision to make that clears a pretty low bar of establishing your side characters to a great extent before you make them do important things in the plot, but you’d be surprised. Many anime skip this simple step that honestly gives out pure brownie points to viewers who consume the entire series.
Time to address the elephants in the room.
The second season of the Mushoku Tensei is arguably more polarizing than the first season. No, no, no, I’m not referring to polarization between the people that think Mushoku Tensei is fucking
disgusting and the people who ignore those possibility disgusting elements to
enjoy a nuanced narrative, I’m referring to polarization between people that liked the first season of Mushoku Tensei but can’t decide if the second season is amazing or dogshit. From the recommended tag, the 10/10 rating, or just the content of this review, you probably can ascertain my position on the matter, so I’m going to make an effort to defend it.
“The animation is worse and they clearly didn’t put in enough effort/ the production quality sucks!!”
Congratulations. You have officially downgraded from a Ferrari to a Ferrari that has driven 4 miles outside of the dealership. The animation is slightly worse in some spots and slightly less detailed than before in others. It’s not that noticeable, and I could only see it being jarring to viewers watching side by side with content from the first season. This is simply a consequence of Mushoku Tensei season 2’s existence.
While walking towards a amusement park, Mashiba saw a parked motorcycle and wanted to ride it. Kumi got between Mashiba and the motorcycle to stop him. It turned out that it was Sawamura's motorcycle when Sawamura arrived and attacked Kumi, leaving a scratch on her face.
Ippo was angered that Sawamura would hit a woman despite being a boxer. Ippo then stopped Mashiba from attacking Sawamura, telling him that he will fight him the next day. As Sawamura leaves, Ippo asked Kumi to come watch him fight, as it would help encourage him. Sawamura hitting Ippo while he is down. The next day, Ippo went the Kōrakuen
Hall for his title defence against Sawamura. Umezawa visited him in the waiting room to tell Ippo a Russian good luck charm he was taught by Volg. When their match arrived, Ippo and Sawamura got into the ring, and, after Sawamura lunged at Ippo to try to start before the gong could ring, the match began. Ippo attacked Sawamura, who could only block the many attacks.