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It's reminiscent of those imovie projects you had to do for middle school where you couldn’t quite figure out how to get the images to stop moving with the ken burns effect as you try your best to match your squeaky dialogue with the 4 second image overlay. It’s an embarrassing production. Football is dynamic and exciting at heart, especially in attacking play. But this static imagery completely ruins the momentum of each play and makes it really hard to sit through some of these moments that I would like to imagine were exciting on paper. If you don’t get the animation right for a sports anime, it’s really hard to build from there.
The ranking system is atrocious and representative of everything wrong with shonen anime. Why would the ranked 299 person realistically even have a shot at becoming one of the best players. It’s this unnecessary from the bottom to the top type writing that tries to maintain hype through introducing opponents of increasingly high rank. This might work for some, but to me, it’s tedious to sit through knowing that someone with more power but with even less personality will appear and none of this matters. Take Nagi for example. How on earth does he have the ego to say he’s the best player as he’s introduced when he’s ranked 250 something in this facility alone.

C. S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity that pride is the "anti-God" state, the position in which the ego and the self are directly opposed to God: "Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind. "[41] Pride is understood to sever the spirit from God, as well as His life-and-grace-giving Presence. [18] One can be prideful for different reasons. Author Ichabod Spencer states that "spiritual pride is the worst kind of pride, if not worst snare of the devil. The heart is particularly deceitful on this one thing. "[42] Jonathan Edwards said: "remember that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the soul's peace and sweet communion with Christ; it was the first sin that ever was and lies lowest in the foundation of Satan's whole building and is the most difficultly rooted out and is the most hidden, secret and deceitful of all lusts and often creeps in, insensibly, into the midst of religion and sometimes under the disguise of humility. "[43] The modern use of pride may be summed up in the biblical proverb, "Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" (abbreviated "Pride goeth before a fall", Proverbs 16:18). The "pride that blinds" causes foolish actions against common sense. [44] In political analysis, "hubris" is often used to describe how leaders with great power over many years become more and more irrationally self-confident and contemptuous of advice, leading them to act impulsively.


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^ "D-pad and Touch Pen Resonance Operation Soul Eater: Plot of Medusa to Be Sold This Autumn" (in Japanese). ASCII Media Works. June 20, 2008. Archived from the original on February 20, 2009. Retrieved June 20, 2008. ^ Fletcher, JC (June 18, 2008). "Soul Eater: Plot of Madusa". Engadget. Archived from the original on November 18, 2016. Retrieved November 17, 2016. ^ "Soul Eater: Battle Resonance". Le Ba Gua est à la fois un art martial fondé sur une stratégie du combat originale (une stratégie du contournement et de l'enroulement), une gestuelle de santé (une thérapeutique énergétique) et une discipline spirituelle fondée sur la répétition du pas glissé. Le style de Kung Fu Hung Gar pour la terre - Il est surtout connu pour ses positions basses et stables, ses attaques puissantes principalement développées avec les membres supérieurs, de nombreux blocages et aussi le travail de l'énergie interne. Toph Beifong utilise quant à elle un style particulier, dérivé du style Chu Gar de la Mante Religieuse du Sud (Tang Lang Quan) Épisodes[modifier | modifier le code] Article détaillé : Liste des épisodes d'Avatar, le dernier maître de l'air. Suites[modifier | modifier le code] La Légende de Korra[modifier | modifier le code] La Légende de Korra est la suite d'Avatar : Le Dernier Maître de l'Air. Le projet porté par Michael Dante DiMartino et Bryan Konietzko a pour héroïne Korra, une adolescente rebelle qui accueille l'esprit du nouvel Avatar, 70 ans après la première série. Elle devra se rendre à la Cité de la République pour recevoir un enseignement sur la maîtrise de l'air, dispensé par le fils d'Aang et de Katara. Elle se rendra alors compte qu'un mouvement anti-maîtrise des éléments s'est développé dans la ville[33]. Cette suite comporte un total de 52 épisodes. La diffusion du premier livre a débuté le 24 mars 2012 sur la chaîne Nickelodeon. Au début censée contenir une seule saison, cette nouvelle série d'Avatar a continué de séduire le public américain et a eu le droit à une prolongation. En effet, la production a signé pour trois livres : Spirits (Esprits), Change (Changement), et Balance (Équilibre).
Anime News Network. December 31, 2007. Retrieved 2010-11-20. "Top-Selling Manga in Japan by Volume: 2010 (Part 1)". Anime News Network. November 30, 2010.