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It's hard to be impressed with the main characters' skills when just about every dish is treated like Manna from Heaven and one can expect to hear terms like "umami" and "depth of flavour" thrown around ad nauseum. For this reason, Food Wars works best when the leads are forced to come up with creative solutions, focusing shifting the focus away from sensory spectacle and more on to problem solving.As a story, Food Wars walks a well-trodden path, focusing first and foremost on Soma's ambition to reach the highest echelons of Tōtsuki Academy and surpass his father in terms of culinary skill. Despite the school setting, characters are rarely shown learning or training, instead preferring to throw its leads from one sink-or-swim challenge to another, trusting the audience to assume that they already have the necessary skills with maybe a flashback or post hoc explanation as to how the characters developed them. This isn't an invalid method of storytelling per se, but it's easy to see how some people could be turned off from the show because of it. Characters that play antagonistic roles will generally show some combination of smugness, elitism and outright corruption, to the point where one starts to wonder if Tōtsuki is even that good of a school.
Acculé par une horde de monstres, il est secouru par Kyouka Uzen, la commandante de la 7e section de l'escadron anti-démons. Reconnaissant son potentiel tout en ayant besoin de lui pour utiliser pleinement son pouvoir, elle demande à Yuuki de rejoindre son escadron en devenant son esclave, une position qu'il pourrait trouver plus agréable qu'il ne l'aurait pensé au départ. ListesTout vuJ'aime Je n'aime pasConnectez-vous pour synchroniser la Watchlist Classements de Streaming Les classements quotidiens de streaming de JustWatch sont calculés en fonction de l'activité des utilisateurs au cours des dernières 24 heures. Cela inclut les clics sur une offre de streaming, l'ajout d'un titre à la watchlist, et de marquer un titre comme 'vu'.