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One day, Gerry Strydum visits him. Then, Yuujirou learns by Strydum about Baki's special training, and he laughs at this because of how "ridiculous" he finds that way of training. Great Prison Battle Saga[] At the end of the Jun Guevaru and Biscuit Oliva's battle, Yuujirou briefly shows up in Guevaru's hallucination, congratulating him on beating Biscuit Oliva. Meanwhile, in real life, he is seen inside of a car using president George Bosch as his personal driver. Later he goes to the White House and tests the capacity of the president's security staff (Chamomile Lessen in this case) and after the president is thrown by a window he saves him in the last second and congratulates the young boy who chose to act like that in order to protect the president rather than going and fight him. Abilities[] The Demon Face of Yuujirou.

I was getting into when I first started Mushoku Tensei, my problems begin when the characters get away with rape, pedophilia and sexual harassment and instead, the show plays all of these very sensitive topics in a comedic sense, almost as if they were no big deal. Rape is played off as a joke, pedophilia as a character quirk that has nothing wrong with it, and sexual harassment like flirting.
I don’t argue against the fact that these things can be represented well in anime, but I am not supportive of how easily it’s played off as a humorous copout. I’ve never read the novels, so I speak of what I watched in the first 11 episodes of Mushoku Tensei. LN fans insist these issues will dwindle and Rudues will change for the better as the story progresses, which is fine.
Hell, it’s not Rudeus or the characters I have a problem with. There were, and are scumbags in the world and there always will be, and I don’t mind their portrayal in anime. In fact, I think some anime have too many characters without flaws. My problem is with the presentation. If you’re going to touch on such delicate matters, there’s a fine line that needs to be tread. They can’t be played off as a joke by the show itself and, sometimes, I certainly felt Mushoku Tensei explicitly did that with its portrayal of those scenes.


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October 5, 2009. ^ Kawamoto, Toshihiro (2004). Cowboy Bebop Illustrations: The Wind. Softbank Creative. p. 8. UniversCiné UniversCiné also has a 7-day free trial, and then costs 6. 99€ / month. 9. LaCinétek 10. Tënk Tënk’s on-demand platform is a litle more unique, since it focuses exclusively on hand-picked documentaries, some being even older than 1960. ^ 週刊少年マガジン 2005年 表示号数45. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on January 17, 2021. Retrieved January 17, 2021. ^ Macdonald, Christopher (November 28, 2005).
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