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An anime television series adaptation produced by Liden Films, aired from April to September 2021. A second season aired from January to April 2023. A third season premiered in October 2023. A live-action film adaptation was released in Japan in July 2021, with its two-part sequel released in April and June 2023. By December 2022, the manga had over 70 million copies in circulation, making it one of the best-selling manga series of all time. In 2020, Tokyo Revengers won the 44th Kodansha Manga Award for the shōnen category. Plot[edit] Main article: List of Tokyo Revengers characters Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old freeter, learns one day that his middle school ex-girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, as well as her younger brother Naoto, have been killed by the Tokyo Manji Gang. Naoto deduces that every time they hold hands, Takemichi is transported 12 years into the past. In the past, Takemichi's friends are forced into underground matches led by Kiyomasa, a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Takemichi discovers that his new friendship with Mikey prevented one of his friends, Akkun, from going to jail in the present. However, after Akkun commits suicide out of fear, Takemichi realizes the Tokyo Manji Gang presents a stronger threat to his friends than he initially thought.However, in the second half, Albese reacts and scores two goals. Hyuga eventually scores the victory goal in the last minute, allowing his team to be promoted into Serie B. Albese is disappointed for its defeat because they wrongly think that U. C. AlbinoLeffe won against Ravenna F. C and overtook them in standings. However, Albinoleffe lost 2–1 to Ravenna, tying both teams in third place, and this means that both Reggiana (1st) and Albese (2nd) are promoted. Both teams celebrate their promotion. Spain[edit] This one-shot started in February 2010, in order to celebrate the series' 30th anniversary. It tells the return match between Barcelona and Real Madrid. From there on, seven more chapters are added in which first two goals from Barcelona been rejected by the referee.