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Retrieved June 13, 2008. ^ Nutt, Christian (October 2003). "Igarashi & Yamane on Lament of Innocence". GameSpy. IGN Entertainment. pp. 10–11. ^ Oguro, Yūichirō. "第37回 エヴァ雑記「第四話 雨、逃げ出した後」" (in Japanese). Archived from the original on October 10, 2018. Retrieved July 23, 2020.

‘Kiss X Sis’ Keita Suminoe’s life becomes increasingly complicated in “Kiss X Sis” as he navigates the affections of his two older step-sisters, Ako and Riko. As Keita prepares for his high school entrance exams, he is caught between the romantic and often overtly sensual advances of Ako and Riko. With every episode, viewers are treated to the twins’ unabashed affection towards Keita, resulting in numerous comedic and ecchi situations. Its bold approach to taboo themes sets “Kiss X Sis” apart in the ecchi genre. The series does not shy away from exploring the complicated emotions and physical attractions between the step-siblings. While the premise may be controversial for some, the anime artfully balances its risqué content with humor and genuine character development.


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En désespoir de cause, ce dernier part en ville vider le compte en banque de ses parents, et apprend à l'occasion la capitulation du Japon et la destruction de la marine japonaise. De retour à l'abri avec de la nourriture fraîche et de qualité, il ne parvient malheureusement pas à sauver sa sœur cadette, qui agonise d'une mort lente et atroce. Après avoir incinéré le corps de celle-ci et mis ses cendres dans la boîte à bonbon qu'il lui avait offerte avant de quitter la maison de leur tante (l’un des rares plaisirs gastronomiques de Setsuko durant leurs mésaventures), se retrouvant seul sans famille aimante, le frère aîné se laisse, lui aussi, dépérir jusqu'à ce que la mort l'emporte, dans une gare. Les esprits des deux enfants, réunis et paisibles, ne souffrant plus de rien, contemplent alors le Kōbe moderne. Fiche technique[modifier | modifier le code] Titre original : 火垂るの墓 (Hotaru no haka) Titre français : Le Tombeau des lucioles Réalisation : Isao Takahata Scénario : Isao Takahata, d'après la nouvelle La Tombe des lucioles de Akiyuki Nosaka Dessins : Yoshifumi Kondō Musique : Michio Mamiya Photographie : Nobuo Koyama Montage : Takeshi Seyama Production : Tōru Hara Sociétés de production : Studio Ghibli Sociétés de distribution : Kazé Pays de production : Japon Langue originale : japonais Format : couleurs – 35 mm – son Dolby Digital Genre : animation, drame, guerre Durée : 90 minutes Dates de sortie : Japon : 16 avril 1988 France : 19 juin 1996 Classification : tous publics Distribution des voix[modifier | modifier le code] Personnages Japonais Français Mère Yoshiko Shinohara Marina Tourbon Setsuko Ayano Shiraishi Kelly Marot Seita Tsutomu Tatsumi Pascal Grull Tante Akemi Yamaguchi Marie-Martine Version française Studio de doublage : Libra Films[3] Direction artistique : Brigitte Lecordier Adaptation : Christine de Chérisey Personnages[modifier | modifier le code] Seita Jeune garçon de 14 ans, il se voit dans l'obligation de s'occuper seul de sa petite sœur, Setsuko, après la mort de leur mère. Soucieux de préserver la petite fille, il lui cache certaines choses et l'amuse le plus souvent possible. Malgré tous ses efforts et son amour pour elle, il se révélera trop jeune pour la sauver des horreurs de la guerre. Il décède le 21 septembre 1945 dans une gare. Setsuko Petite sœur de Seita, elle a un caractère enfantin typique de ses 4 ans. Mais elle comprend beaucoup de choses, y compris ce qu'on veut lui cacher. Elle est très attachée à son frère. The next day, Ippo arrived to the ring and the match began. Ippo had trouble facing Sisphar's tactic of charging forward from a distance and throwing powerful Jolt Blows, with even a Cross-Arm Block not being able to fully block it. Ippo charged forward to stop Sisphar's charging and enter an in-fight, however, the punches Ippo lands, including a right counter against a huge swing were ignored by Sisphar. After Ippo's hand was blown back from a close range Jolt Blow, he went down when he was hit by a Tornado Jolt as the gong to end the first round sounded. It was declared a slip, however, as he was hit by Sisphar's inner elbow due to sticking his head forward as it hit to disrupt the point of impact as a reflex from training to do it to Miyata's counters. In his corner, Ippo was told by Kamogawa to do the only thing he can do. In the second round, Ippo took the advice and did the only thing he can do: move forward. Ippo was able to land hits, however, they were not enough as, after he realised that Sisphar can repeatedly throw full powered punches, he took a hit and lost consciousness for a small period of time. Ippo began to lose hope, throwing halfhearted punches as he did not expect the repeated full powered blows. He was hit by another full powered blow and barely caught his fall, while bruises surface on his shoulders, as Ippo has been having Sisphar hit his shoulders to reduce the power. Ippo and Sisphar had a dual exchange, which hurt Ippo the worse.
Togashi and Naoko. Hunter × Hunter. 1. Viz Media. p. 164.