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” Chair Rodgers released the following statement on H. R. 7520, the Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024:“Data brokers collect a stunning amount of sensitive information and data on Americans—from their physical and mental health, to when and where they’re traveling. Once collected, this sensitive information can be sold to anyone, including foreign adversaries like China. The days of data brokers surveilling Americans for our enemies should be numbered, and this important legislation will ensure that they are. ” WHAT: A Full Committee Markup of H.

Ippo knocking out Sisphar with an uppercut from his Dempsey Roll. In the third round, Ippo and Sisphar have dual exchanges and exchanges at the centre of the ring, with Ippo throwing his punches differently to that of the Jolt Blow, which damaged Sisphar more than Ippo's usual punches. After the third round, Ippo was instructed by Kamogawa to use uppercuts rather than left and right hooks like Sisphar in order to change the rhythm. In the fourth round, after a lengthy exchange session between the two, Ippo attempted to throw an uppercut after a hook, however, Ippo brought his body up too soon and the two boxers' foreheads collided, causing severe bleeding above their eyes. Sisphar's experience of fighting in situations like so made Ippo get hit while being unable to hit back due to his vision being affected by the blood. Ippo was launched back by an attack and saw something in the lights on the ceiling. Ippo motioned the Dempsey Roll and, instead of a constant figure-8 motion, Ippo moved his body up from below, aiming for Kamogawa's mitt in the ceiling's light, landing an uppercut on Sisphar. Sisphar went down from the uppercut and the referee immediately stopped the match, making Ippo the winner. Despite the win, Ippo received a long scolding session from Kamogawa before going home and reflecting that he has branched off a different path from Miyata in order to find his answer as to what it means to be strong. Destined Boxer Arc While Ippo was fishing, Kumi joined him and tried to invite him to go to the pool, but Ippo declined as he could not do anything due to the injuries received from fighting Sisphar. As they talked about boxing and Mashiba, Kumi requested for Ippo to make it back in one piece.


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^ "テレビアニメ スラムダンク MD 【メガドライブ】" (in Japanese). ^ テレビアニメ スラムダンク アイラブバスケットボール (in Japanese). ^ "スラムダンク - キャラクター紹介". Nintendo. Archived from the original on October 18, 2012. Retrieved September 12, 2012. ^ a b "Eye Shield 21 Bound for GameCube and DS". IGN. Ziff Davis. December 23, 2004. Archived from the original on February 23, 2014. Comic Natalie (in Japanese). Natasha, Inc. November 6, 2021. Archived from the original on October 18, 2022. Retrieved October 18, 2022. ^ 舞台「炎炎ノ消防隊」第2弾、初日&千秋楽公演をDMMでライブ配信.

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