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Following this, Friend's funeral becomes a worldwide spectacle, held in a stadium with the Pope giving the address. Partway through the service, Friend appears to rise from the dead, and is shot in the shoulder by his own assassin. By saving the Pope, Friend is elevated to deity like status. Meanwhile, there is a worldwide viral outbreak that threatens to kill everyone except those who have been vaccinated. The final portion of the story takes place in a newly remodeled Japan, under the "Era of Friend", who has instituted numerous bizarre changes, including the establishment of an Earth Defense Force, reputedly to protect Earth from an imminent alien invasion, exiling those without vaccinations, and forbidding travel across regions, under penalty of death. During this time frame, Kanna, who is revealed to be Friend's daughter, leads an insurgency against Friend's government, enlisting the aid of numerous groups, including the survivors of rival gangs and mafia organizations. During this, Kenji, apparently also risen from the dead and carrying his trademark guitar, reappears. The series spans several decades from 1969 to 2017, the last of which in the chronology of the series, becomes 3FE (3rd Year of the Friend Era). The series makes three distinct timeline cuts during the story; one from 1971 to 1997, one from 2000 to 2014, and one from 2014 to 3FE. Several parts of the series are also told in flashbacks to previous events as the characters attempt to unravel the mystery of who Friend is and how to stop his plans of world destruction; most of the character's childhood backstories through the 1970s and 1980s are told in this fashion. Characters[edit] Kenji Endo (遠藤 健児, Endō Kenji) The central protagonist of the first half of the story, which revolves around his childhood in the early 1970s to the present day.Il est essentiel de souligner que PapaDuStream n’est pas un site de téléchargement de films. Avec ce site, les utilisateurs ne peuvent pas télécharger de séries TV sur leur stockage pour un visionnage hors ligne. Pour télécharger des séries, vous pouvez utiliser des sites DDL comme Zone Téléchargement ou des sites de torrents. Papadustream : un site de stream gratuit, mais illégal Vous vous en doutiez certainement, Papadustream est un service de streaming illégal. Le site propose du contenu soumis à des droits d’auteur sans obtenir l’autorisation des ayants droit ; violant ainsi les lois sur la propriété intellectuelle. Le site contourne les règles en distribuant des séries TV sans payer les droits de diffusion. De plus, la diffusion sur PapaDuStream est entièrement gratuite, ce qui va à l’encontre de la législation en vigueur. Cette conduite illicite place Papadustream sous le radar constant des instances de régulation ; notamment l’Arcom (anciennement HADOPI). Ces organes régulateurs exigent fréquemment des fournisseurs d’accès à internet (FAI) le blocage de l’accès au site. Raison pour laquelle les administrateurs de PapaDuStream changent régulièrement l’URL du site afin d’échapper à la censure imposée par les autorités. En changeant fréquemment l’adresse de la plateforme, ils cherchent à préserver l’accès au service malgré les blocages.