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Ces énigmes font la plupart du temps la taille d'un chapitre, voire de trois. Quelques uns reviennent après quelques chapitres, voire après quelques tomes. D'autres restent encore non résolues et nous promettent des suites intéressantes. On ne sait pas par exemple qui a tenté d'empoisonner Gyokuyo à deux reprises. On ignore l'identité de Jinshi et son véritable rôle à la cour intérieure. Comme on se doute qu'il a un lien avec dame Aduo et son enfant mort trop jeune.

But don't be fooled, immediately after the striking second episode the show sinks into a pit of shounen mediocrity unmatched by its competitors. The uninteresting and overdone sorcery powers aside, this show wastes no time delving into every trope imaginable, from seemingly machine-generated hype culture pandering in the handling of its battles to overpowered characters not giving a shit what they're doing, and even dipping a toe into the most tried and failed shounen cliche of all, killing main characters to create a false sense of urgency only to bring them back a minute later. Yup, another show that thinks it's audience are a bunch of halfwits. And judging by the reception this show's getting, it might be right. "It isn't anything new, but at least it does things right, right?!" The Characters are extremely shallow. Main character is your typical Shounen protagonist, except with all the humanity and relatability removed.


dreaming freedom chapter 61

La série animée débutera le 7 avril 2024 au Japon. Staff : Studio d'animation : J. C. Staff Réa. AnimesnaBan dévoile les premières pages de Vies d'ensemble - Au-delà des mots -
06/03 : Les éditions naBan viennent de dévoiler les premières pages de leur nouvelle série, Vies d'ensemble - Au-delà des mots - (Kemutai Hanashi) de Fumiya Hayashi. Elles sont à découvrir à cette adresse. Synopsis : Takeda est professeur de japonais et Arita est fleuriste. However, Osugi reacts hostile because the village detests Takezō for his extremely violent and antisocial tendencies, and because the future of the Hon'iden gentry family is compromised now that their heir Matahachi is missing. Osugi pulls strings to accuse Takezō of being a criminal. Takezō fights his pursuers but is eventually caught by the monk Takuan Sōhō, who makes him reconsider his purpose in life. Takuan frees him and, to make him start his life anew, renames him Musashi Miyamoto. After a 4 years timeskip, Musashi's arrival to Kyōto, his fight against the Yoshioka swords. Musashi takes several students but the area catches on fire, leading to the fight being postponed.
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