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[81] Several volumes have appeared on the Taiyosha top ten best-selling manga list. [82][83] By August 2022, the manga had over 7 million copies in circulation. [84] Critical reception[edit] Even before its international release, Vinland Saga attracted attention and praise from the international manga community. In 2006, The Comics Journal included Vinland Saga in a list of worthwhile manga from scanlation groups. [85] Critics praised Vinland Saga for its fluid action sequences, remarking how well author Yukimura made the transition to the action genre from his previous work Planetes. Criticism was, however, levelled at the extent of suspension of disbelief in a historical fiction series. [23][86] Upon its official release, the first volume was reviewed by Rebecca Silverman for Anime News Network. She described it as a "deeply engrossing book" and praised it for its attention to detail and "excellent period detail" in its depiction of medieval times, though expressed disappointment at the lack of interesting female characters. [87] Johanna Draper Carlson of Comics Worth Reading described the action in the first volume as "fast-paced, well-illustrated, and detailed" but "didn't transcend its premise"; she was instead more impressed by the scenes depicting family life, saying "that's where the insightful character work I expected from Yukimura came through. "[88] Carlson also praised the scenes depicting domestic life as providing grounding context for the story, as well as weaving in religion and politics, finding Vinland Saga "a fascinating read on multiple levels". [89] In The European Middle Ages through the prism of Contemporary Japanese Literature, Maximen Denise from University of Tours noted how the lack of proper knowledge about the real life of Thorfinn in The Greenlanders and Eric the Red made Yukimura come across with a more original background for how the main character becomes a Viking during his youth, giving him a realistic characterization which contrasts with Thorkell's supernatural strength. There weren't any additions to the game system that year, but KOF '98 more than made up for that in balance and in remixed art for the backgrounds and the characters themselves, who sported at least one new move each. Oddly enough, when the game was released for the Dreamcast in 1999, it was actually renamed to KOF '99, which caused some problems when the real '99 edition of the series was released a year later. Even more odd was the NeoGeo Pocket link available for the Dreamcast, which let you hook up your NGP system to the Dreamcast in order to unlock gallery pictures and special skills. Ever wonder where Nintendo got that crazy idea for connectivity? Well, there you go. The Last Blade 2 (1998, NeoGeo)
Also appearing on: Dreamcast (2000)
This sequel came only one year after the original Last Blade and followed the usual sequel mold: add more characters, tweak the character balance, and don't try to fix what isn't broken. Joining the standard speed and power modes was EX mode, which was a hybrid mode that gave players benefits from the other two modes, although with a severe damage handicap.
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