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The show revolves around an impoverished teenager named Denji, who hunts devils with the help of his pet, the chainsaw devil Pochita to make ends meet and pay the debt that his father owed to the yakuza. After his debt collector betrays him leading to his death, Pochita fuses with Denji’s body to give him a new life as the latter becomes a hybrid who can turn into the Chainsaw Man at will. Denji then agrees to join the Public Safety Devil Hunters after he meets a beautiful woman named Makima who promises to give him all the comforts in life that he has dreamed of. This marks the beginning of an action-packed journey of the carefree titular protagonist as he becomes more acquainted with the devil world and learns some shocking secrets. After its release in the 2022 Fall anime season, ‘Chainsaw Man’ quickly became a fan-favorite and amassed a huge global fanbase. Chainsaw Man Season 2 Release Date ‘Chainsaw Man’ season 1 released on October 12, 2022, and concluded a few weeks later on December 28, 2022. The anime comprises twelve episodes each with a runtime of about twenty-four minutes. Produced by Keisuke Seshimo, the anime stars talented voice actors Tomori Kusunoki (Makima), Ai Fairouz (Power), Kikunosuke Toya (Denji), Shougo Sakata (Aki Hayakawa), Mariya Ise (Himeno) among many others. As far as the second season of the show is concerned, here’s everything we know so far. The show has not been renewed by MAPPA as of now. No company involved in the production and distribution of the series has officially commented on its future, which is a bit surprising considering its popularity.Kanamemo Kanamemo revolves around 13-year-old orphan Kana Nakamichi, who, after losing her grandmother, secures a job as a newspaper deliverer. The unique aspect is that all her co-workers living at the distributor are young and attractive bishōjo girls. The story delves into Kana’s daily life, her experiences as a newspaper deliverer, and her relationships with the other employees at the Fuhshin Gazette newspaper distributor. 3. YuruYuri YuruYuri follows the life of Akari Akaza, who, after starting middle school, joins the leisure club consisting of her childhood friends Kyoko Toshinō and Yui Funami. Chinatsu Yoshikawa, another classmate, becomes a member after the tea club disbands. The anime depicts the daily lives and activities of these four young girls as they navigate the adventures of the leisure club. 2. citrus The story revolves around Yuzu, a young kogaru, who, due to her mother’s remarriage, moves to a new strict all-girls high school. On her first day, she clashes with the student council president, Mei Aihara, who she comes to dislike. To her surprise, Yuzu discovers that Mei is her new half-sister and must learn to live with her.