naruto kaguya drawing no game no life shiro figurine
His final fate is unknown, he is presumed killed by Qilby when he tried to kill him for having insulted but it is possible that he is escaped and hid somewhere. He, Rubilax and Ombrage are the only Shushus who did not return to Rushu's realm. Ombrage (Shadowfang in the English dub) Voiced by: Malvina Germain (French); Fiona Clarke (English) A vampire Shushu imprisoned in a magic ring, she has the power to steal a person's shadow, which appears to represent the target's soul, and turns them into a ghoul. However, she is unable to do this if the target lacks any darkness in their heart. She is first met in a ruined town, where she has taken over her guardian's spirit, who goes by the name Vampyro. After being defeated, her guardian swears never to fall for her tricks again.Brilliant. Each character design is a caricature from the corresponding personality. With this fashion, characters that had not much of a content, turned into people that you are willing to support and even identify with. You find all the stereotypes, but you also discover that they are real and have their reasons.
The animation is quite good, as well as the art overall, but this series suffers of a disease common to most long anime: repeated animation sequences and loss of detail quality through the series. Of course that if you watch an episode a week like you should and not 15 a day like I did, you will most likely never notice this.