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Due to this, he is frequently seen wearing a mask of the titular character of the manga series Ninja Hattori-kun, both as a child and when acting as Friend. In 1972, he was recruited by Manjome to show his spoon bending talent on TV, but the two were labelled frauds and Fukubei vowed to have revenge by conquering the world and destroying humanity. [14] He begins to enact his plan for revenge in 1980 when he reunites with Manjome and creates "Friend". [14] While helping Kenji on Bloody New Year's Eve, Fukubei appears to die by falling off a building while unmasking a guy who appears to be Friend controlling the giant robot. But he later reveals himself to Kenji as the true identity of Friend, Kanna's biological father and an extremely unbalanced man who nurtured a pathological envy of Kenji since their childhood and delusions of grandeur. A megalomaniac primarily motivated by a desire to live out childish fantasies of being recognized as a hero and to take revenge on the world for not recognizing his exceptionalism, Fukubei is an charismatic leader who explores people's need to believe in something greater than themselves in order to fake a series of supernatural powers (in reality, only stage magic tricks) and pose as a superhuman prophet. He seduced Kanna's mother in order to enlist her help in developing vaccines for the viruses he has Yamane create. Fukubei is shot dead by Yamane in the middle of the series on New Years Day 2015. In the kanzenban edition of the series, which has a different ending, Kenji realizes that Fukubei died after elementary school graduation and Katsumata learned everything about him to imitate him perfectly and take on his identity as a child. [13] In the live-action film series, his full name is given as Tetsuya Hattori (服部 哲也, Hattori Tetsuya). Sadakiyo (サダキヨ) Kenji's classmate who was not part of the original gang.Quand l'Avatar entre dans cet état, ses yeux et ses éventuels tatouages s'illuminent. Cet éclat est la combinaison de toutes ses précédentes incarnations qui concentrent leur énergie à travers son corps. Cependant, si l'Avatar est tué lorsqu'il est en transe, alors le cycle de réincarnation est brisé, et l'avatar cessera alors d'exister à jamais[25]. À travers les âges, les innombrables incarnations de l'Avatar ont permis de garder les Quatre Peuples en harmonie et de maintenir l'ordre universel[22]. L'Avatar est aussi l'unique passerelle entre le monde physique et le monde spirituel, séjour des esprits défunts[26]. Dans la suite de la série, La Légende de Korra, on apprend que l'avatar est le résultat de la fusion d'un humain ordinaire (Wan) et de Raava, l'esprit de la lumière.