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Ippo went to the audience area where Sendō is and told him that Wally is leaving the rest to him. Ippo ran back to the ringside as Wally got defeated by Ricardo. With the match over, Ippo, Miguel, and Dankichi go inside the ring to check on Wally. Once Wally regained consciousness Ippo, Miguel, and Dankichi walked out of the ring with Wally. They stayed with Wally as he became hospitalised and unconscious afterwards. Ippo hitting the mitts with Kamogawa. When Ippo came back to Japan, he went to the Kamogawa gym to see Kamogawa. Ippo informed Kamogawa that he learned a lot and had many feelings from his trip to Mexico. He added that he noticed that there wasn't enough time for Wally to prepare for a world title match, and that Sendō claimed that he didn't have enough bloodlust, and he thought that the atmosphere was too relaxed. Ippo believed that Miguel was a great trainer and second, as he saw that he made the best of Wally's abilities and personality, and prepared the perfect training environment and advice. Kamogawa claimed that Wally is retiring, as his right eye may never fully recover.


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“C’est pas sorcier” (It’s Not Rocket Science)French Shows to Watch Elsewhere26. “Liaison”27. “Irma Vep”28. “Engrenages” (Spiral)29. “Kaamelott” (Camelot)30. “Braquo” (Stick-up)Tips for Learning French with TV SeriesWhy Learn French Through TV Series?And one more thing. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download) French Shows to Watch on Netflix 1. The writers slap a quirky gimmick or two to each character and call it a personality. As such, most of them are really forgettable and bland, but that's to be expected with a show with such a large cast, right? But not even Serval and Kaban have personalities. Kaban is. smart? Serval is. outgoing? That's all I got from them.
This show is overall insultingly simple and incredibly boring. I hardly enjoyed it.
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