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[120] However, after he was forced to take a month off from the gym he later returned seemingly without any symptoms. This proved to not be the case when he was easily and repeatedly knocked down by Antonio, an opponent clearly out-classed by Ippo—eventually leading to an early knockout loss and Ippo's decision to prioritise his health and retire. Mindset Despite Ippo having been noted to hold vast talent and potential, his lack of confidence and motivation often holds him back from performing at his best in the ring. His motivation is an important source of concern since his purpose from the very beginning, to find the meaning of strength, is an extremely abstract and difficult to grasp goal. During most of Ippo's career, the only tangible goal that constantly pushed him to keep winning was his desire to fulfil his promise and clash with Miyata in the pro ring—and as the possibility of realising this faded, his determination to move forward was cut short as well. Unlike most world ranked boxers, on many instances Ippo has expressed disinterest to pursue a world title or to win fights beyond the oriental pacific region. [121][122][123][124][125] This absence of ambition, as Ippo himself stated, led him to lose his first match in the world stage. [126][127] In terms of confidence, during fights Ippo is prone to lose his composure and will to fight when facing an opponent he considers to be superior to himself, as happened during his championship matches with Date and Sendō. [128][129][130][131]. This flaw was grave to the point that Kamogawa predicted Ippo was going to lose if he ever were to fight Miyata, someone who Ippo thought of as being far ahead of him. [132][133] Even in the midst of matches against opponents of lesser reputation, Ippo is also notoriously susceptible to panic and fall apart when facing unexpected situations.Quand vous voulez sur le champ le serveur devient occupé et très bizarre c’est ce qui fait le bug December 23, 2023 at 7:56 pm Log in to Reply Linda Priscilla L’épisode 10 est vite sorti December 23, 2023 at 8:06 pm Log in to Reply Sarahhhh Vraiment ce drama incroyable!!!!!!! J’attends avec impatience la suite!! December 24, 2023 at 3:10 pm Log in to Reply flora_ecarlatee merciiii pour les ep !!
vous pouvez mettre love reset s il vous plait
merci d avance December 24, 2023 at 3:24 pm Log in to Reply Bryane Merci pour les épisodes. Je n’attends que les prochains épisodes 😁 December 24, 2023 at 8:05 pm Log in to Reply Bryane On attend la suite svp December 24, 2023 at 8:06 pm Log in to Reply dualipa Bonjour l episode 8 ne veut pas fonctionner pouvez vous m’aider merci. Joyeux Noël à toutes l équipe. December 24, 2023 at 9:51 pm Log in to Reply Sume_sxja Je suis à l’épisode 5, je le regarde avec ma meilleure amie! Il est incroyable ce drama!! Je vous le conseille fortement si vous aimez la romance surnaturel. December 25, 2023 at 1:05 pm Log in to Reply aythana271 Je suis pressée d’être la semaine pro December 25, 2023 at 2:32 pm Log in to Reply CHIHYON J’aimerais vous remercier VOIRDRAMA.
Vous publiez de très bons dramas et vous proposer un large choix de séries et de films.
Je regarde simplement mes drama sur votre site car il est très bien fait.
Merci pour tout votre travail !
Continuez comme ça ! December 25, 2023 at 4:02 pm Log in to Reply Elizabeth09 Vraiment merci voirdrama pour cette série juste incroyable !!
Best Kdrama December 25, 2023 at 10:07 pm Log in to Reply erigneau111 ⚠️MAUVAISE NOUVELLE POUR LES FANS DE MY DEMON⚠️
Le K-drama MY DEMON ne diffusera pas sa programmation régulière pour les épisodes 11 et 12 cette semaine. Les prochains épisodes dont le 11 et le 12 ne seront diffusés que la semaine prochaine du Nouvel An en raison des SBS Drama Awards 2023 prévus à partir du vendredi 29 décembre 2023. Les nouveaux épisodes seront diffusés le vendredi 5 janvier 2024 pour l’épisode 11 et le samedi 6 janvier 2024 pour l’épisode 12 de My Demon December 28, 2023 at 6:34 pm Log in to Reply Fanskz Jure comment je vais faire😭😭 December 29, 2023 at 2:43 pm Log in to Reply erigneau111 Il va falloir malheureusement attendre encore une semaine 😭 December 29, 2023 at 8:58 pm Log in to Reply Joumana.