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Resurrection25m Having survived 45 hanging attempts, death row convict Yohei Bando has a certain physical advantage that he deploys against Sen Hatsumi. 9. Superiority25m While facing Kaolan Wongsawat, Agito Kanoh begins moving in a strange way; he seems to have developed a brand new fighting style during their match. 10. Life and Death25m After the match between Kaolan and Agito, round two of the Kengan Life-or-Death Tournament comes to an end. Suddenly, a change of schedule is announced.

In the following days, the Paranormal Liberation Front gains momentum by releasing thousands of imprisoned Villains, including the original All For One, which alongside Dabi's revelation cause Japan to descend into chaos and anarchy. Izuku, knowing that he is Shigaraki and All For One's primary target, decides that it's too dangerous for his friends and family to have him around and flees from U. A. , leaving behind some letters to the others revealing the truth of his power. Over the next month, Izuku joins forces with the top 3 Heroes and begins relentlessly hunting for All For One's location, to the detriment of his own health. After almost being defeated by an assassin sent by All For One, he is confronted by his classmates, who convince him to return to U. A. , which has been turned into a refugee camp for the students' families and other civilians who fled from the Villains. With Shigaraki's body augmentations and assimilation by All for One nearly complete, America's #1 Pro Hero, Star and Stripe, arrives to fight him by All Might's request. However, Shigaraki manages to kill her and attempts to steal her quirk, which backfires and severely damages his body before destroying itself, giving the Heroes some time to devise a plan. One of Izuku's classmates is revealed to be the traitor, having received a quirk from All For One to hide his quirkless nature at a young age, and being forced to serve All For One with threats to him and his family.


haikyuu saison 5

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Stark700 - Jul 13, 2014 527 repliesby Garrett_Dark »»
Feb 29, 11:29 AM
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