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Chapters[0]. Chapter) + 1 | number:0 is not yet available. Subscribe to get notified when it is released. vm. NumSubs | number:0 SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBED Related Manga: Gushing Over Magical Girls vm. NumSubs | number:0 SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBED show info Gushing Over Magical Girls vm.

Ippo and Mashiba's deciding dual exchange. After the three round spar ended, Ippo was glad they are both uninjured. Mashiba suggested that they continue sparring, but Ippo claimed that he is all beat up, and while he has some gas left in the tank, he is not an active boxer, so he doesn't have the mental stamina or focus to keep going. Mashiba told him he is fine since he said he still had some gas left Ippo thought of how he just came to the gym to be helpful, so he wished that Mashiba wouldn't use this situation just to harass him because he was visiting Kumi the other night. Ippo stomped his foot down and let Mashiba know he is ready to fight. As their second spar began, Ippo and Mashiba were fighting at close range when Mashiba knocked legs with Ippo.


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4. ^ "The Director's Voice Shinichiro Watanabe Interview. " CowboyBebop. com. ^ McNamara, Jonathan (February 14, 2006). "'Cowboy Bebop' director Watanabe talks anime".