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This is why it’s so easy to get into this anime for people who don’t play basketball because it’s not actually basketball. The games are too lackluster and don't have enough strategy to be interesting to anyone who isn't just satisfied with seeing random dunking. There are never any stakes because we are never invested in the characters, and nobody is playing for anything meaningful.
In Summary:
In sports, everyone has to constantly work on their game to improve it no matter the sport. This is how you get better than others. In real life, anyone can be as good as they want to be at any sport if they work hard enough at it and learn what their strengths and weaknesses are.

A live-action film adaptation premiered in Japan in March 2023. An anime television series produced by Kinema Citrus aired from July to September 2023. A second season has been announced. Synopsis[edit] Main article: List of My Happy Marriage characters In an alternative version of the Taishō era in which spirits and magic are real, but in decline, Miyo Saimori, born without supernatural talent, is forced into an existence of servitude by her abusive stepmother. When Miyo finally comes of marriageable age, though, her hopes of being whisked away to a better life crumble after she discovers her fiancé’s identity: Kiyoka Kudou, a commander apparently so cold and cruel that his previous would-be brides all fled within three days of their engagements. With no home to return to, Miyo resigns herself to her fate—and soon finds that her pale and handsome husband-to-be is anything but the monster she expected. As they slowly open their hearts to each other, both realize the other may be their chance at finding true love and happiness. Media[edit] Light novels[edit] Written by Akumi Agitogi [ja], My Happy Marriage began publication online via the user-generated novel publishing website Shōsetsuka ni Narō. [3] The series was later acquired by Fujimi Shobo, who began publishing the novels with illustrations by Tsukiho Tsukioka on January 15, 2019, under their Fujimi L Bunko imprint. [4] As of July 2023, seven volumes have been released. [5] In June 2021, Yen Press announced that it licensed the novels for English publication.


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Arrivée chez ses nouveaux maîtres, elle se lie d'amitié avec la princesse Liande, aussi belle que revêche. Mais alors que les deux jeunes femmes se rapprochent inexorablement, une phrase de Lia. MangasBientôt la fin pour le manga Le Jeu de la mort
05/03 : C'est dans le nouveau numéro de la revue Hana to Yume des éditions Hakusensha que l'on apprend la nouvelle : le manga Le Jeu de la mort (Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi) de sora s'apprête à se terminer. Toujours selon le magazine, la série se clôturera en effet dans cinq chapitres. Rappelons qu'en France, Le Jeu de la mort est traduit et publié depuis 2020 aux éditions Delcourt/Tonkam. À ce jour,. MangasClap de fin pour la parodie Demon Slayer School Days
05/03 : C'est dans les pages du dernier numéro de la revue Saikyō Jump qu'a été publié, ce lundi au Japon, le dernier chapitre de la série Demon Slayer School Days (Kimetsu Gakuen!) de Natsuki Hokami.
Now as I said, the other girls are solid. They range from ok to legit waifu contenders(Shinomiya and Fuuka) I enjoyed seeing the MC help them with various issues they went thru over the course of the show which led to his development as well. That’s actually probably my favourite part of the show. We do see the MC make legitimate strides to better himself and by the end of the show he’s a solid dude. Each problem he solves feels realistic and has a tangible effect on him.
The other main issue I have with the show is the art and animation.
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