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2-Anime-Sama Anime-sama. fr est l’un des sites français d’animes en streaming gratuits les plus populaires. Il se différencie de ses concurrents en proposant non seulement des animes en streaming en VF et en VOSTFR, mais aussi des scans de mangas. Anime-Sama est un site gratuit, sans inscription ni abonnement, et ne vous demandera jamais d’argent pour son contenu. On apprécie l’organisation générale du site et surtout ses options de recherche et de filtrage. Vous avez le choix entre la liste d’animes et la liste de scans de mangas, et vous pouvez ensuite filtrer vos résultats par version française (VF) ou version originale sous-titrée en français (VOSTFR).Anime-Sama met à votre disposition plusieurs sections pour vous aider à mieux choisir votre prochain anime. Directement sur la page d’accueil, vous trouverez les sections classiques : derniers animes ajoutés, et des recommandations pour les nouveautés en animes et scans. Si vous aimez regarder des animes en streaming en VF ou en VOSTFR et lire des scans de mangas en ligne, c’est le seul site qui peut vous offrir les deux à la fois.
3-Otakufr Otakufr. co reste toujours l’un des sites les plus populaires pour le streaming d’animes en VF et en VOSTFR.
His manner of speaking, while generally fluid and gentle, is extremely tactful; using words and intonations in a way that the person he talks to would listen. His tactful and charismatic speech is even able to make the likes of the initially passive Muichiro Tokito and the impulsive Sanemi Shinazugawa listen to what he has to say without conveying anything that would rile them up. Towards his own kin, such as his children, Kagaya is rather strict: due to the curse of their family, he had to prepare them early on to replace him in leading the Demon Slayers. Nevertheless, he shows the same gentle aura and demeanor towards them. Kagaya asking Muzan on what he hopes to achieve. Beneath his otherwise kind and gentle personality, Kagaya bore a deep, burning hatred of Muzan Kibutsuji. As the cause for his family's cursed lives, he showed uncharacteristic silent anger towards the demon and addressed him without showing any indication of fear or hesitation. He repeatedly provoked him by mocking his intentions to become an eternal being and boldly stated that he would die, and in his final moments, he bore a smile on his face to lure Muzan into a false sense of security as his trap was activated. Despite his own hatred towards him, Muzan was amazed that Kagaya had hidden his bloodlust during their conversation and was shocked Kagaya was willing to kill his own family from his own perspective, having underestimated the lengths he would go to in order to weaken him. Abilities[] Overall Abilities[] Emotion Masking: Kagaya possesses the remarkable ability to conceal his emotions and present a composed and controlled outward appearance. He utilizes this skill to maintain a calm and serene composure and deceive others' perception of him.