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Noir follows the story of two skilled assassins -- The Japanese amnesiac Yuumura Kirika, and the Corsican Mireille Bouquet. Due to
their vague similarities and having no memories of their past, the duo decides to embark on a journey to answer their question and donning the name Noir. 575 users added this. RahXephon [TV] Nekosama gave it a 8. The city of Tokyo has been overthrown, taken over by Invaders who have devastated the rest of the planet. For 15 years, the remnants of the human race have fought a losing battle against the Mu and their Dolem, knowing that the key to victory lies within the domed walls of Tokyo Jupiter, where time flows in a different path and none of the mind-wiped citizens even know that the city has been conquered. 686 users added this. Love Hina [TV] Nekosama gave it a 8. Love Hina follows the story of Keitaro Urashima, a young boy
determined to study at Tokyo University and fulfill the promise he made to a childhood friend he barely remembers. Unfortunately, his parents can no longer support him, and now he has to manage his grandmother’s all-girls dormitory while cramming for his college exams. 3415 users added this.
Archived from the original on January 26, 2021. Retrieved April 14, 2020. ^ Aoki, Deb (2007). "2007 Best Continuing
Manga List—Top 10
Current Manga Series of 2007". About. com.
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2,939 articles 17,100 files 409,220 edits 77 editor(s) Story My Hero Academia (僕 (ぼく) のヒーローアカデミア, Boku no Hīrō Akademia?) is a manga series serialized by Shonen Jump and written by Kohei Horikoshi. The series has been adapted into an anime series and three movies, as well as spawning the prequel series Vigilantes and spinoffs: School Briefs and Team-Up Missions. The story is set in the modern-day, except people with special powers called "Quirks" have become commonplace throughout the world. In a world of chaos and confusion, Pro
Heroes have now risen as the new profession to fight off powerful super villains. A young boy named Izuku Midoriya is Quirkless, meaning he has no powers, but he still dreams of becoming a great hero one day.