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Walking away from the gym and reflecting how his current dream is for Taihei and Kintarō to debut and win, Ippo wondered why Takamura wouldn't fulfil Kamogawa's dream of debuting overseas. Later, while Ippo was doing roadwork with Taihei and Kintarō early in the morning, he informed the duo that they will take their pro test when their birthdays pass. Ippo spotted Takamura and revealed that Kamogawa and Yagi have a dream of having a fight at the Tokyo Dome. With Takamura motivated to have Ippo and him take Kamogawa to the Tokyo Dome, Ippo reminded Takamura that he isn't a boxer anymore, but Takamura told him that it doesn't matter how he gets there. Ippo followed Takamura as he did his roadwork, reflecting that Takamura makes him feel like there is nothing impossible to accomplish. Later at the Kamogawa gym, when Takamura informed his gym mates of the bad omens he had at the Yamaguchi Chiropractic, Ippo suggested for him to go get an Omikuji at the shrine he goes to.

Anime News Network. Archived from the original on September 29, 2022. Retrieved July 17, 2022. ^ Pineda, Rafael Antonio (September 4, 2023). "Muse Asia Licenses Shangri-la Frontier, A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Anime". Anime News Network. November 24, 2017. Archived from the original on February 14, 2018. Retrieved April 11, 2018. ^ "Overlord is a Magnificent Power Fantasy". Kotaku.



On the day of the "WORLD CONQUEST PROCLAMATION" event at the Yokohama Arena, Ippo arrived at the venue and watched Kimura's match against Sim Rex which ended in a decision loss in the fifth round due to a doctor stoppage. Ippo stayed with Kimura while Aoki went to fight Ponsa Kureck, which also ended in a decision loss. Ippo went back out to the audience seats and watched Miyata's match against Randy with Itagaki, Sendō, and Sawamura. After Miyata won using the Corkscrew Counter, Sawamura asked if Ippo wanted to fight Miyata and was fine with Miyata being far away from him, which Ippo answered that he was fine with it, as he does not think of him and Miyata as rivals, but someone he looks up to. Ippo then watched the main event where Takamura won against Ronald Duck. Second Coming of Death Arc Inspired by Miyata's unbreakable spirit in his match against Randy, Ippo began running to improve his stamina to be like Miyata's. While running, he was met by Kumi, reminding Ippo about Mashiba's match. Ippo confirmed that he was going anyway since Itagaki is going to have a match, suggesting that they should cheer both Itagaki and Mashiba together. When Kumi was leaving, she fell and landed on a sled at the hillside, which Ippo also tripped over, landing near it and being face-to-face with her. As he was about to kiss her, his head hit the ground as Kumi slid down the hill. This event boosted Ippo's confidence and, after a spar against Itagaki where he got hit a lot, could only think about how satisfied he was to feel Kumi's breath on him. Yes, you read that correctly. They’re known for introducing popular catchphrases and satirizing politicians, and they have a large influence on French popular culture. The show has challenged current popular figures and the French conventional way of thinking more effectively than many other forms of media. While their main focus is on French politics, they also parody international events from time to time. 25. “C’est pas sorcier” (It’s Not Rocket Science)Genre: InformativeI came across this channel completely by accident, but it’s become my latest nerd obsession. This excellent YouTube channel devoted to all things science. It covers many topics that are obviously related to the field (like snow or electricity), but there are others that are seemingly not related to it (like religion or opera). The presenter, Jamy Gourmaud, will take you on a mini-journey of about one minute each time and tell you everything about the topic, leaving you thirsty for more. It’s a perfect way to learn about things you never thought you wanted to know about, and since the language is accessible and easy to understand, it’s a useful channel for everyone, including beginners. French Shows to Watch ElsewhereWhile the following series are available to watch online, most require an account or a monthly subscription.
And rightfully so considering how it has treated him. So he somehow manages to cross over into a world filled with beasts, or beast people, I guess. It’s there that he meets Kumatetsu, a glorious beast dude who is looking for a disciple so that he can prove his worth as a teacher. He and Ren strike a deal, and then just train and grow together. It might not sound like much. But the show is absolutely breathtaking, and I don’t want to give anything away so check it out and see what you think. 6. InuYasha You know how in isekai the protagonist usually gets hit by a truck and then reborn, or their VR headset just steal their soul? Well in InuYasha the heroine just gets dragged down a well by a demon. The early 2000s were a more creative time. She gets dragged down because a powerful wish-granting jewel is reborn inside of her body, but it gets accidentally smashed. So she enlists the help of a man-dog-demon(the predecessor of manbearpig in my opinion) to collect the shards and make sure it isn’t used in a world-ending way.