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It’s so cringey and it hurts every fiber of my being.Similarly, players like Bachira and Chigiri are obviously more suited to be wingers. Yet they’re still pushed into this rigid idea that they’re number 9s. It does a huge disservice to your greats like Kagawa and that legendary Japanese midfielder that people get disappointed when they pack in Fifa. These midfield Maestros are some of your greats, why would you think to disrespect them by saying strikers are the most important position. Take some time to look back at the past few world cups, was Giroud the main reason France won the world cup in 2018? How about Spain’s 4-6-0 formation where they fielded 0 strikers and won the world cup in 2010? It’s just this cringey decadent idea that strikers are the most important part that I just know comes from a place to get impressionable children riled up for your show. Frankly, it’s dishonest and insulting.
Another crucial problem with only having strikers is, you only have a limited amount of qualities and unique skills to give around where players can excel at: Pace, finishing, hold-up play, off the ball movement, spatial awareness to name the key ones. And evidently, they’re exhausted pretty quickly. What you’re then left with are pure power upgrades that I really dislike. Where it’s this childish one-upping of “I read his play”, “I read his reading of my play”, “I can jump higher than you”, “I can run faster than you”.
When his and Takamura's match arrived, Ippo met with Takamura at the changing room where he made a promise with him that if he wins by a first round knockout, Takamura has to become world champion. When Ippo's match began against Yi Yon-su, he was caught off-guard when Yi charged toward him at the start. Yi attacked aggressively with lefts that Ippo dodged. Ippo started the Dempsey Roll motion as he dodged Yi's lefts. Ippo grazed Yi's chin with a left hook. Yi then prepared to attack an incoming punch, but was countered first with a right. After Yi's body flew back after being hit, Ippo hit him with a continuous attack from the Dempsey Roll. Right as Yi tried to respond with a punch, he fell to the ground instead, resulting in Ippo's promised one round knockout. Keeping his promise to Takamura, Ippo decided to visit Takamura, who he found surrounded by multiple Japanese champions, along with Date, Sendō, Miyata, and Yoshiaki Yajima. Takamura then mentioned the promise to Ippo, telling him he would not break it. Ippo then watched as Takamura won and became the world champion.