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Seoul Broadcasting System. Archived from the original on April 13, 2023. Retrieved April 15, 2023. ^ Lee, Bo-ram (April 15, 2023). 슬램덩크 넘었다.

"[78] Rebecca Silverman gave the series a rating of three out of five, calling Akira a must-read for anyone interested in manga. [78] Related media[edit] See also: Akira (1988 film), Akira (video game), Akira Psycho Ball, and Akira (planned film) While most of the character designs and basic settings were directly adapted from the original manga, the restructured plot of the movie differs considerably from the print version, changing much of the second half of the series. The film Akira is regarded by many critics as a landmark anime film: one that influenced much of the art in the anime world that followed its release. [23][79] A video game, simply titled Akira, based on the animated film was released on December 24, 1988, by Taito for the Famicom console. [17] The game has the player in the role of Kaneda, with the storyline starting with Kaneda and his motorcycle gang in police custody. In 1994, a British-made action game was released for the Amiga CD32 and it's considered one of the console's worst games. [80][81] In 2002, Bandai released a pinball simulation titled Akira Psycho Ball for the PlayStation 2. On June 9, 1995, Kodansha released Akira Club, a compilation of various materials related to the production of the series. These include test designs of the paperback volume covers, title pages as they appeared in Young Magazine, images of various related merchandise and commentary by Otomo. Dark Horse collaborated with Kodansha to release an English-translated version of the book in 2007. Since 2002, Warner Bros.


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Despite taking all the safety precautions with all his power previously, Momonga decides that he needs to make a point about how he's the leader, even though there was absolutely no need for him to do so when all the floor guardians already adore him unquestionably. Basically, Momonga is not very intelligent- Everything goes as he plans because of his raw power and having so many tools to work with- Not because he's actually skilled at strategizing. It also should be noted that this last part of the show was incredibly grating, because the brainwashed minion still sucks up to Momonga while still opposing him. Really, Overlord?
So to summarize what happened in this entire cour: First quarter spends its time on just introductions on characters that have no personality whatsoever outside of all sucking up to Momonga in perfect unison. Second quarter is about Momonga effortlessly beating an army of literal nobodies that won't matter for the rest of the season. Third quarter is about Momonga effortlessly beating an army of zombies and two bad guys that won't matter for the rest of the season. And finally, the last quarter is about Momonga beating a brainwashed minion only because he handicapped himself even though it would've been just as effortless because he's a poorly written character. I can't even really claim that this is a pacing issue with the show itself- This is more like a pacing issue of the novels because the show covers fair amount of the novels. Remember that statement about how MMO setting is used as nothing more than an exposition tool? Yeah, it's apparently being used as a filler as well in the novels, explaining things that nobody gives a shit about to pad out the content.
I really don't understand the praise for this series- Aside from simple aesthetic differences, this series has all the flaws that all generic light novels have. The MC is just yet another generic Stu protagonist that has next to no character motivation, the side characters are cardboard cutouts that constantly suck up to Momonga only because they were quite literally made to do so, and the storytelling is a complete mess where the MMO backdrop is only used as a convenient excuse to make way for exposition through Momonga's inner monologues. Venez voir. Voir un objet au microscope. Laissez-moi voir cela. Voyons, que tenez-vous là? Voyons un peu ce qu'il va faire.
Fam. , Voyons se dit souvent par rapport à la personne qui parle ou à qui l'on parle, et n'est dans beaucoup de phrases, qu'une expression d'encouragement, d'exhortation, etc.
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