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^ "Official Word on Adult
Swim Action".
Anime News Network. January 22, 2002. Archived from the original on June 28, 2007. Retrieved May 21, 2008. ^ "Program Changeup at Cartoon Network - Anime News Network". Anime News Network. February 4, 2003. Archived from the original on December 10, 2007. Retrieved May 21, 2008. ^ Majeski, Mike (September 30, 2003).
[5] The eventual unstructured production style was unheard of in anime, and at the outset Obara created a series structure. The three-episode finale was not planned ahead, emerging naturally as part of the design approach. [5] As the project evolved, Watanabe pushed for this structured approach to be discarded aside from the lead characters and premise, and Obara agreed to the new approach. The lack of a structure meant that the series narrative was constructed piece by piece, with few plot details being decided in advance. [8] The fates of the three characters were
also undecided during this stage. Watanabe originally planned for all three to survive, but at one point the team considered Jin and Mugen dying respectively in the final two episodes. [5] Even the identity of the sunflower samurai was unknown to Watanabe during the early stages. [15] Due to this approach, pre-production on the series lasted a year. [8] Watanabe had a great deal of creative control and input, including on music selection and editing. [19] The first episode took a long time to polish, being completed around the beginning of 2004, but it and subsequent episodes had an animation quality higher than other series of the time. This was attributed to the working environment of
Manglobe allowing for easy communication between staff members, and Watanabe's passion for the project prompting famous staff from other notable anime projects to come on board.