internet service examples boruto two blue vortex chapitre 3
To be honest, I haven't . completed every season of this "anime" and maybe it gets better but I highly doubt they change the storyline much it's just going to be new opponents and new tasks that have to be completed in a certain way all the while everyone's on enjoying the food as if they are going to die afterward. Also, I found it very difficult to eat during this anime, seeing as the people in it were eating divine food with fragrant smells and textures and whatever, whereas I'm eating a bag of chips, just makes me feel depressed. I guess they did a good job seeing as it is a more popular anime and it could be difficult to think up new ideas seeing as every other anime these days is just an isekai with the exact same story but they definitely could've come up with a better idea than sexualizing the whole thing.It turns out both girls like God Yuichi, and both of the other guys like one of the girls, so no one will ever trust one another or be truly in the same boat, and it has nothing to do with any wannabe-deep statements about the nature of greed or the social science of monetary corruption and, instead, everything to do with who wants to fuck who. Even when the first arc ends and our group of established “friends” gets replaced by a new shallow cast of characters to populate the following arc, the conflict STILL continues to erupt and revolve around inserting women into men’s relationships to sow the seeds of jealousy and resentment.
But why is this relevant to weird and off-putting themes? Well, for the same reason it was odd to see the aforementioned live audience vote Tsundere Shiho as being “100% unforgivable” after it was revealed she liked God Yuichi after having dated Glasses Tenji in the past. Glasses Tenji himself (who was the original traitor by the way) explains how he entered everyone into the Squid Game for the purpose of destroying the organization behind the games, and to potentially expose Tsundere Shiho for being connected to them. Why entering the games would lead to either of those things is completely lost on me, but this seems totally reasonable to Glasses Tenji. However, the real can of worms we’re cracking open here is why he suspects her. He suspects her because she “destroyed” his friendship between him and his old BFFs by seducing them and causing them to become jealous of one another. but all she did, literally, was say “hi” one time. If you don’t see where this is going, let’s just say that in this show, the hour hand, the minute hand, and the second hand are always pointed squarely on incel o’clock.