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CavZodiaco. com. br. Archived from the original on July 20, 2019. Retrieved July 20, 2019. ^ "「聖闘士星矢」30周年記念画集「聖域-SANCTUARY-」10月21日発売".

14:00, 21 February 2024 - Inspector Beyond commented on Model Sheet Archive/Part 2: Is there really no model sheets with colors for Part 2? Even from 10th Anniversary Exhibition panels? 23:44, 14 February 2024 - Effect-kun commented on List of English JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Chapters/Other Works: *now Poll Poll Results What was your favorite new reveal at Wonder Festival 2024 Winter? With 33 or 27. 97% of all votes,
the winner of the second February 2024 Poll is:
Ringo Roadagain & Mandom SAS Prototype Runner-ups:
Hot Pants SAS Colored Prototype (27 or 22. 88% of votes)
I don't care about merchandise (24 or 20. 34% of votes)
There were 118 votes since the poll was created on 11:24, 18 February 2024.
For previous poll results, see the archive. March 2024 Poll Who is the best singer or band with a 3-letter name referenced in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?You are not entitled to vote.
You are not entitled to view results of this poll. DioREOYesB. I. G. R.


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This is a strictly non-Squid Game comparison review. Ok, before you start saying “Who cares”, or “Who asked?”, let’s get into the review.
For a series that is supposedly about friendship, the friendship concepts were tackled a bit superficially, and it became more of a series about Katagiri Yuuichi’s wit and him being a scumbag to solve problems. I expected a bit more characterization overall, and it really does feel we’re just scratching the surface of this series. However, . the plot twists and Yuuichi’s character were definitely fun to watch, and one of the more enjoyable series of this anime season, but a bit edgy for sure.
My grading criteria: Story: /25 Art: /10 Music: /10 Characters: /20 Enjoyment /15 Thematic Execution /20
*Spoilers below
STORY: 17. 2/25
The story is about five friends that get into a game called the Tomodachi Game, or Friends Game, after one of the five incurred a twenty million yen debt, and to pay off that amount, the group must clear a variety of games that test their friendships, and reveal their true colours. ICV2. May 11, 2009. Archived from the original on May 5, 2010. Retrieved October 10, 2018. ^ "Top 300 Graphic Novels Actual--January 2010". ICV2. May 11, 2009. Archived from the original on May 5, 2010. Retrieved October 10, 2018. ^ "Top 300 Graphic Novels Actual--January 2010". ICV2.
Ippo then mentioned to Itagaki how he noticed that Alfredo's long jabs and left uppercuts are similar to Ricardo's. While training on his weaving to go against Alfredo's longer jabs, Kamogawa introduced to him a new method of training with a glove on a stick that can extend, shrink, and bend. Ippo met Alfredo at the weigh-in and gave his comment to the reporters that he sees himself as the challenger and wants to use his training and experience to see how effective he can fight at world level. The next day, Ippo asked his mother that if he wins the match and fights in a world title match next time, if she would come watch him, to which she answered that she would think about it. Ippo went to the Kōrakuen Hall for his match against Alfredo. With Itagaki's title match before his match, Ippo watched his match against Imai where Itagaki lost and Imai became the new JBC featherweight champion. Ippo and Alfredo in-fighting. After focusing with Kamogawa, Ippo got to the ring and the match begins. After getting surprised by Alfredo's lefts that appear longer than he thought, he chose to go forward and use his usual pace, using head slips and the Peek-a-Boo style to close in. Alfredo had successful attempts to counter the strategy by using uppercuts, however, Ippo was able to dodge and throw a body blow which gets blocked at the end of the round one. In the second round, Ippo got Alfredo to the ropes after dodging his lefts and throwing body blows that get blocked.