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[5] Discotek Media released the film on Region 1 DVD in May 2009, based on the high definition video transfer produced by Toei for the previous year's Japanese DVD release. It features both, the original Japanese dialogue and the English dub, as well as most of the extra features except for the revised ending. Because the video transfer is the same one used by the Japanese version, the text used for the title, intertitles and credits, are in Japanese, even though these were previously changed for the VHS release of the English dub. The first-print run of the DVD featured several translation mistakes on the subtitles. Later prints of the DVD (which used a different cover artwork) contain corrected subtitles. Reception[edit] The English dub version of the movie was released two years after Viz Communications' short-lived first translation of the manga, and received mixed reviews. Upon release, Richard Harrington of The Washington Post criticized the violent nature of the movie and quality of the animation, saying that "watching it you will feel as comfortable as a hemophiliac in a razor blade factory". [6] Stephen Holden of The New York Times wrote that "in its carelessly translated and poorly dubbed English adaptation, the characters express themselves in diction so stiff that they seem ludicrously prissy". [7] In 2005, a review from Akemi's Anime World called it "so bad it's good, and the original in the genre" and calls quality of the dub "cheesy", but "suitable". [8] The 1996 movie guide "Seen That, Now What?", the animated film was given the rating of "C", in which it is described as having a good story and impressive post-apocalyptic background scenery, being offset by stiff character animation and excessively gory violence. [9] American Wrestler John Cena has said that Fist of the North Star is his favourite anime movie.

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Retrieved June 9, 2020. ^ "Honya Club's Zenkoku Shoten'in ga Eranda Osusume Comic 2013 ranking" (in Japanese). Honya Club. Archived from the original on June 24, 2023. Retrieved May 26, 2013. ^ ""Da Vinci" Magazine Asks Japanese Readers to Name Greatest "Shonen Jump" Manga". Crunchyroll. November 13, 2014. Archived from the original on October 10, 2017. Retrieved September 19, 2020. ^ テレビ朝日『国民15万人がガチで投票!漫画総選挙』ランキング結果まとめ! 栄えある1位に輝く漫画は!?. Unlike mine, those storyboards are good. But, you know, among the popular manga there is manga with very beautiful art and manga with bad art, but interesting nonetheless. And I don't trust manga with very beautiful art unless it is One Piece. [186] After the release of the hundredth volume, Weekly Shonen Jump's editor-in-chief, Hiroyuki Nakano, explained how One Piece changed the history of manga and the way of making it. Nakano said that Weekly Shonen Jump is "a game of weekly popularity", and before One Piece, he aimed for something "interesting this week without thinking about the next"; however, the series reached overwhelming popularity due to its style that involves a story concept and detailed hints, adding that the series had a huge impact on other series. Nakano lauded Oda for his "overwhelming passion, talent and power" and his "unwavering will" to deliver a story to boys and girls, adding that he goes far beyond the reader's expectations, with the belief in "don't fool the reader" and "there is something interesting ahead of it".
^ EFE (November 3, 2013). "'Ataque a los titanes' y 'Fushigi Yugi' ganan los premios del Salón del Manga de Barcelona". RTVE (in Spanish). Archived from the original on March 8, 2022. Retrieved March 31, 2022. ^ Ayén, Xavi (October 29, 2021). "Salón del Manga Barcelona: Premio para 'Urara', un manga ambientado en Badalona" (in Spanish). La Vanguardia. Archived from the original on November 10, 2021. Retrieved December 7, 2021. ^ Loo, Egan (October 29, 2008).