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Kenta who is also nervous about the match trains and discusses his opponent's Weaknesses with his coach (Mr Yasoda). At the Venue, both fighters psych themselves for the match. As soon as the match starts Kenta draws a long guard with his left. Ippo takes an aggressive approach and starts throwing punches. Kenta is a little shocked but manages to block Ippo's punches while getting a good read on their speed and power. Kenta uses his long left to steer Ippo away.

Later, Kimura went to get Ippo and Itagaki to go with him to visit Aoki at the hospital. Along the way, Ippo, worried about Kimura retiring, told him that he shouldn't rush the decision, to which Kimura replied that he would let Aoki decide for him whether or not they both retire. When they get there, Aoki ultimately decided that he would keep boxing with Iga as his goal and Kimura would continue as a junior lightweight and aim for the title. Later, Ippo was called to Kamogawa's office, where Kamogawa offered him a shot at the world, with the goal of fighting WBA champion Ricardo. Kamogawa explained to him that Ricardo only accepts boxers deemed worthy and ranked first, so Ippo, ranked seventh would be facing the second ranker from Mexico, Alfredo González. The next day at his house, Itagaki informed Ippo that Volg has a title match set up. Proud Wolf Arc Ippo breaking a glass table while watching Volg's title match. Ippo learned from Itagaki that Volg's title match was against the IBF champion, which would take place in Las Vegas in a week. After learning that Volg was a stand-in since the original challenger hurt himself during training, Ippo wondered why Volg would accept the match when there was only a week to prepare. At the gym, Ippo found out from Kamogawa the reasoning behind Volg and Dankichi accepting the match and planned to cheer for him as he wants to see him become the world champion. A week later, Ippo encountered Sendō on his way to the gym.


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It doesn’t shy away from its ecchi roots but instead celebrates them, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre who also appreciate comedy. 6. ‘Fairy Tail’ At its core, “Fairy Tail” is an epic tale of wizards, dragons, and the power of friendship. Following Natsu Dragneel and his companions from the Fairy Tail guild, the anime encompasses thrilling battles, magical adventures, and the challenges and triumphs of camaraderie. While primarily an action-adventure series, “Fairy Tail” does incorporate ecchi moments, especially with characters like Lucy and her celestial spirits. The reason “Fairy Tail” is regarded among the best ecchi anime isn’t because of the sheer quantity of ecchi content but because of its seamless integration. Often light-hearted and comedic, these moments fit naturally into the broader storyline. They provide levity during intense arcs and endear the characters further to the audience. In “Fairy Tail,” ecchi isn’t just for titillation – it adds depth and dimension to a richly woven narrative. 7. ‘Shinmai Maou no Testament’ The life of Basara Toujou takes a sudden turn in “Shinmai Maou no Testament. Kong (2021) FILM 76% Novembre (2022) SERIE 88% Narcos (2015) FILM 81% Nobody (2021) SERIE 86% Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009) SERIE 88% This Is Us (2016) FILM 63% Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) FILM 79% Bullet Train (2022) SERIE 66% Alma (2022) FILM 84% Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021) Envie de profiter des tous derniers films et séries inédits en VOD ? C'est ici que ça se passe. Bienvenue sur Papstream, site de lecture vidéo sur la toile de films, séries, spectacles, et reportages. Tous les types : Drame, Aventure, Super Héros, Fantastique, Romance, Policier, SF, Action. Papstream, LE site de streaming légal et de service de vidéo à la demande intégralement en VF. Papstream est mis à jour régulièrement pour vous proposer des contenus nouveaux toutes les semaines. Papstream est devenu au fil des mois un site de streaming légal considérablement populaire car il propose les tous derniers contenus en exclusivité ainsi que les plus grands classiques. La nouvelle version de Papstream est proposée ici. Accédez à un immense choix de films et séries en ultra haute qualité en version Française ou en VOST. En plus des films, Papstream propose depuis peu un grand nombre de séries en tout genre : saga, SF, comédie, création originale.
36. 12. 2019 Chapter 30 13. 12. 2019 Chapter 29 13. 12. 2019 Chapter 35 13. 12. 2019 Chapter 34 13. 12. 2019 Chapter 33 13.