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Everyone's on edge, including Takumi and Nana K, who have their first fight. 38. Episode 38 January 24, 2007 Nana O is ready at last to see Nana K again, but is turned away at their building as a stalker fan! Nana K is actually only steps away at a coffee shop with Shin, who tells her to stand by her decision. 37. Episode 37 January 17, 2007 Takumi and Nana K are blissful in their new apartment, but Reira is torn apart by the engagement, prompting Shin to rush to her side. 36.

Obviously, the convicts fight amongst each other, as only one can have this elixir to evade death. This island looked very interesting and colourful, with some scary creatures around them, all around a very intriguing, perhaps a unique setting. However, what this anime fails at is the most important narrative technique, which is “Show, don’t tell”. Time and time again, we are told about what this environment is like, the religion aspects, the creatures, how the world works, but we don’t really get enough showing of the environment itself, either through simple background shots, or just cutting back on the expository dialogue. There is no need to spoon-feed the viewers every single narrative detail about what is going on, people can figure things out. There was solid potential in what the environment could bring us, but I wasn’t really invested due to the overly saturated dialogue.
The characters felt interesting at first, but slowly also devolved into being rather gimmicky or generic. Gabimaru is the typical protagonist who starts out cold but ends up warming up to people and becomes more kind. For the female characters, there is a sense of empowerment that they were trying to go for, especially with Sagiri looking to escape gender norms and become a samurai, instead of the “norms” that this anime instills upon women. While on its own this would be a cool concept, the fact that all the female characters were so sexualized, and somehow getting saved via princess carry, defying all logic of physics by the men just felt a bit hypocritical to the potential message the show was trying to convey. Furthermore, people died before we could even really have a chance to know them, and adding a sad backstory to try and make us feel emotions just felt like such a weak way for characterizing them.


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24 January 2021. Archived from the original on 3 February 2021. Retrieved 1 February 2021. ^ "Filming Locations for LUPIN on Netflix". Untapped Cities. 25 January 2021. Archived from the original on 1 July 2022. Retrieved 3 February 2021. ^ "WHERE IS 'LUPIN' FILMED?". Condé Nast Traveler. 26 January 2021. Vengeance, Old Boy et Lady Vengeance de retour dans les salles obscures en 2024. FilmsLe drame japonais Satoshi en salles en France fin février
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27/12 : L'acteur a été retrouvé mort à l'intérieur d'un véhicule dans le centre de Séoul. FilmsSorties cinéma japonais : automne 2023
20/12 : Petit récap' des films sortis dans les salles nippones cet automne. FilmsUn film live pour le jeu vidéo Death Stranding
15/12 : Le jeu vidéo Death Stranding s'offre un billet pour les studios de cinéma d'Hollywood. Films 1 2 Brèves ToutAnimesMangasMusiqueJeux VidéoDramasFilms Les sorties Bontoon du mois de janvier 2024
16:00 : Voici les webtoons sortis durant le mois de janvier 2024 sur la plateforme Bontoon. Alpha Mate Synopsis : Se Jun, jeune alpha dominant, souffre de plus en plus de sa condition et des pulsions qu'elle engendre. Alors qu'il essaie d'endurer en secret une énième période de rut, il apprend que son premier amour, Yeon Woo, a été désigné comme son nouvel "Alpha Mate", un bêta censé l'aider à calmer.
Takahata has his strengths, from his interest in realistic imagery to his sense of social responsibility as a director, yet here his style feels neutered to a point where little personality can be found in the directing. He’s not Miyazaki, but the film appears contempt in what it wants to achieve, never aiming for more than the core emotional attachment felt though the script. Each scene is carefully calculated, but never ambitious in their purpose. Even the cheerful moments only balance out the hell Seita and Setsuko are in, never acting as driving components for either character. The music also does little to help the experience move along, rarely ever effective in smoothing out transitions or amplifying sentiment in an authentic way. It unironically makes the most emotional moments come off more canned than real.