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La section de recherche avancée permet de filtrer les résultats par type de licence, année de sortie, auteur, studio, format d’épisode et genre. Neko-san est un excellent outil pour les fans d’anime qui recherchent une plateforme de streaming gratuite et complète. On remarque immédiatement le travail considérable qui a été accompli pour mettre ce site en place. Vous pouvez vous inscrire et profiter des options de planning et de listes, très pratiques pour ne pas avoir à refaire vos recherches à chaque fois que vous souhaitez regarder un épisode. Malgré son statut de développement actif, le site surpasse largement les autres sites d’animes. 25-Nautiljon Nautiljon. com Nautiljon est l’endroit idéal pour les fans d’animes et de mangas. Ce site web français, véritable encyclopédie de la japanimation, offre une actualité riche et complète, à l’instar d’Anime-gate. Vous y trouverez toutes les informations sur votre anime préféré, et pourrez même en découvrir de nouveaux. Nautiljon propose également le streaming d’animes, mais le nombre d’épisodes disponibles par série est limité. Vous avez la possibilité de créer un compte gratuit et de rejoindre la communauté active du site.

"Black Clover Phantom Knights Smartphone Game Ends Service on December 9". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on December 20, 2021. Retrieved February 1, 2022. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (December 14, 2018). "Black Clover's Asta Joins Jump Force Game's Lineup".


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Wary of the royal family's true intentions, Mukouda is able to talk his way out of the situation due to his non-combat skill, "Online Supermarket," which is deemed useless. However, this power proves to be anything but useless. With this ability, Mukouda is able to cheaply purchase food products and utensils from Japan—most of which are considered luxuries in this world. As Mukouda cooks up a storm using his ability, he catches the eye of the fearsome mythical wolf Fel. The legendary beast swiftly negotiates a contract to become Mukouda's familiar, unable to resist the delicious dishes. With Fel by his side, Mukouda travels the world, earning his keep as an adventurer and merchant all the while enjoying delectable meals. [Written by MAL Rewrite] StudioMAPPA SourceLight novel ThemeIsekai 7. 67 214K Add to My List Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko 211050 6. 98 20201004 Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko TV, 2020Finished 12 eps, 23 min Fantasy Slice of Life Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Deep in the forest, far from any human contact, there lives a child named Ryouma Takebayashi. He engages in the rather strange hobby of keeping various types of slimes as pets. Furthermore, despite his young age, he has a sturdy physique and good compatibility for magic. There is also the fact that the supernatural in this universe exists in the open, as an organic part of society, but the story barely explores this aspect. The series just doesn’t really do all that much, and what it does, it doesn’t do very well. Nothing illustrates this better than putting the titles of all these shows next to each other:
Bakemonogatari - Ghostory - a pun and a factual description of the content.
Kyokou Suiri - Made-up Deductions - also a factual description of the content.
Undead Girl Murder Farce / Cube x Cursed x Curious - this is just trying too hard to advertise the expected quirkiness of the genre without any meaningful substance of its own. It’s shallow and derivative. Like, the word "farce" has an actual meaning, and there is nothing in the show that fits it, it is not a farcical show, using this word for the name is just pretentiousness.
The only well-made part of the story is the banter between the protagonists (which is the single easiest step of the formula to imitate, even Bunny Girl Senpai had decent banter). Outside of banter, the writing is subpar. Including, but not limited to:
The characters aren’t developed and act nonsensically at times, like when an entire family barely flinches in response to their relative getting killed after being revealed as a murderer.
The dialogue often exists to dump plot points on the audience with no regard for how natural it is to actually say those things at the moment.
December 11, 2020. Archived from the original on October 25, 2021. Retrieved October 25, 2021. ^ "Insomniacs After School, Vol. 5". Viz Media.