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June 14, 2005. Archived from the original on February 27, 2022. Retrieved May 13, 2009. ^ Loo, Egan (June 4, 2008). "First Slam Dunk Episode Streamed with English Subs". Anime News Network.

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1. Also, with every passing arc, Subaru's situation seemed to become substantially more dire, which lead to an increased intensity in the anime that kept me constantly entertained.
One negative aspect of the show that I've noticed is that Re:Zero seems to rely and focus on Subaru's ability a bit too heavily. This consistent emphasis on return from death takes away from other things, such as the detail revolving around the royal selection. This is seemingly an important plot point, but it is significantly overshadowed by the constant focus on Subaru and his continuous retakes at life. The anime spends an episode or two describing the royal selection and emphasizing its importance in relation to the characters only to practically drop it and hardly mention anything about it throughout the rest of the anime. There are some other similar occurrences present in Re:Zero as well. This resulted in the loss of plot points that could have made the anime more well rounded.
Art: 7. 5/10
The character designs are very lovely. They are usually rather detailed, especially their facial expressions and features during moments when their faces are zoomed in on. Côté drama, "Dix Pour Cent" et ses coulisses du milieu du cinéma ou "Un Village Français" pendant l'occupation allemande ont connu un grand succès. Enfin, les séries pour ados comme "H", "Premiers Baisers" ou "Le Miel et les Abeilles" permettent de replonger dans ces années lycée. Grâce aux replays des chaînes et aux contenus tombés dans le domaine public, (suite. )Dans cet article, nous avons exploré les différentes possibilités qui s'offrent à vous pour regarder gratuitement des films et séries français en streaming.
I suppose the point is to make God Yuichi look cool so the viewers can use the series as some sort of sadistic self-insert power fantasy to get off on the idea of themselves being this much of an edgelord (please, get real, no one is as godly as God Yuichi), but this has the same effect as seeing LeBron James dunking on blind, deaf, disabled, amputee toddlers. Ultimately, these conflicts are meaningless because everyone just moves right onto the next equally tedious and overblown stage of the Squid Game while effectively nothing has changed or evolved in any real or emotional terms, and this is all true even despite the biggest puff of smoke the series insists on blowing up its own ass: the plot twists. The so-called plot twists in this show are completely empty and have no real bearing on the story in the same way that the conflict has no real bearing on the plot, and some of them—many of them, in fact—are invalidated within minutes. They exist purely for characters to have an excuse to make an edgy face.
Things will be moving toward the single OBVIOUS direction, someone will randomly pop in with some utter buffoon shit which, in the mind of any reasonable fucking person on the planet, would only make themselves seem more suspicious than the person they’re accusing, but everyone will just be like, “OMG that’s so smart! I didn’t even think of it like that! So let’s all adopt that line of thinking now and go the complete opposite direction so the contrivance that is this stupid fucking game can keep being turned into a shitty anime!” It’s SO all over the place with who is and isn’t playing 4D chess! In one set-up, one character will be a smirking, Machiavellian edgelord engineering the psychology of everyone around them, and in the next, it’s someone completely different. Whoever needs to be the devil on the shoulder of whichever character can successfully become so instantly, and if the person they need to manipulate actually had their wits about them in previous scenes, their wits will very quickly be not-so-about them, and they’ll prance blindly into whatever trap they need to prance into to keep the contrivance train rolling. The resulting mess is too frustrating for words, and while the characters are all horribly written, I guess the show succeeded in making you emotionally engage with them anyway, because their braindead decision-making will—I promise—make you want to tear your Goddamn eyes out. Whether a character is saying something totally daft and unreasonable while everyone else is treating them like the prophet, or for no reason refusing to say the ONE expectable and reasonable thing any real human being would say in their situation while everyone else is acting like their behavior is a legitimate smoking gun, the level of contrivance required for conflict makes every character feel downright detached and confusing whenever you actually try putting yourself in their shoes.
But forget about our cast of miserable non-characters for just a minute and let it sink in how stupid this is purely from a plot perspective. For example, in one episode they’re playing a game where they get to anonymously expose awful things about one another, and the live audience moves each of them closer toward final condemnation by voting for who they hate as they grow to dislike each of the characters based on what’s revealed about them. At one point, they enter a gambit where one character is presented with an opportunity to nominate another character to have something horrendous revealed about them by the showrunners.