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Un abonnement à ADN vous offre un catalogue d’animés en streaming complet. Mais cet abonnement représente aussi une contribution pour aider l’industrie de l’animé japonais à produire plus. Anime Digital Network est un site multiplateforme qui offre plus de 6000 épisodes en HD. Malheureusement, la qualité de traduction d’ADN a fait l’objet de beaucoup de critiques par les abonnés. En raison de cette mauvaise qualité de traduction, ADN occupe la dernière place du classement des sites payants pour animés en VOSTFR.
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^ Mateo, Alex (April 14, 2023). "Suzume Earns US$680,000 at N. American Box Office from Preview Screenings". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on April 15, 2023. Retrieved April 15, 2023. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (April 16, 2023). "Suzume Anime Film Earns US$2. 15 Million on Friday in U. S. " Anime News Network. In the present, Armin notices his Titan form dissolving into steam and spots Mikasa approaching with Eren's head. He mourns his best friend's death and while Mikasa leaves to bury his remains, Armin approaches the Marleyan troops with the other Eldians and claims responsibility for the death of Eren. Several years pass and peace talks have begun between those living in Marley and the island of Paradis, which has begun mobilizing an army for the time when Marley and the other countries seek their revenge. As Mikasa sits beneath the tree where Eren is buried, she thinks about him and notices a bird flying to her. The bird picks at her scarf and adjusts it before flying away. As the years go by, Mikasa raises a new family before passing away.
[6] However, the basic concept of Saint Seiya was to be a nekketsu manga with a "fashion" touch added by the Saint Cloths. After the quick cancellation of his previous work, Otoko Zaka, in 1984, this "fashion sense" was something Kurumada thought would be an aspect that would attract fans, making it different from his previous manga with simple high school uniforms. [8] Although they look like European medieval armors, Kurumada said his main inspiration for the Cloths was Hajime Sorayama's 1983 illustration book Sexy Robot. [6] Besides from fashion, the Cloths were created because Kurumada wanted characters to throw explosive sparks and the armors was a way to give them some protection. [7] Initially, he could not decide what type of armor it would be, considering even Buddhist kasaya; based on the Greek motif, he designed the actual Saint Cloths. [7] When Kurumada was in the process of creating Saint Seiya, he gave Seiya the name Rin at first, since Kurumada was going to title his manga "Ginga no Rin" (Rin of the Galaxy). However, as Kurumada continued developing his manga, he decided to change the name to Seiya, which was more fitting. First he spelled the name with the kanji that meant "Holy Arrow", to relate it to Seiya's condition as a Saint, but later decided to use the kanji that meant "Star Arrow", to emphasize the constellation and mythological motif. Finally, he changed his manga title as well, to Saint Seiya, once he fully developed the concept of the Saints. Also, Kurumada stated that one of the first ideas he conceived for Saint Seiya was the Pegasus Meteor Fist. Since his manga was going to use the constellations as a very important and ever-present theme, he wanted his protagonist to have a special move that would be like a shower of meteors.