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Ippo was relieved that Mashiba's world title match can proceed. However, Takamura still doubted it. The gym members believed he means that Rosario is out of shape due to lack of training options because he was in jail, however, Takamura claimed he didn't mean his condition, but something else that would stop the match from happening. The gym members realised that Rosario's weight could be a problem. Takamura noted that the weigh-in and press conference is tomorrow, so they would find out then. On the morning of Mashiba's world title match, Ippo waited outside the Mashiba residence with a sign of encouragement for Mashiba.

09. com. Archived from the original on February 17, 2001. Retrieved November 29, 2015. ^ "Animation Kobe 1997: An Attendee's Report". Gainax. Archived from the original on July 12, 2000. Retrieved September 10, 2013. ^ "'Neon Genesis Evangelion' Honored at Japan SF Awards". Gainax. Archived from the original on October 22, 2000.


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She and everyone else are merely characters in a comic book entitled Secret,[c] all under the authority of their omnipotent and omniscient Writer. Dan-oh is only an extra character and, worse, the Writer gave her a lame set-up: she is engaged to her long-time crush who despises her, and she has a heart disease and is expected to die soon. Not satisfied with this fate, Dan-oh decides to forge her own destiny by changing the story's plot and finding her own true love. Her hopes of freeing herself from the Writer's control becomes stronger than before when she unexpectedly meets nameless Student Number 13 (Rowoon). But as the events around Dan-oh and Number 13, whom she named as Haru, gradually start to have parallels with the Writer's previous work Neungsohwa,[d] changing her destiny could have a price to pay. Cast[edit] Main[edit] Kim Hye-yoon as Eun Dan-oh (Secret and Neungsohwa)[7] A student of Class 2-7 in Seuli High School; an extra character in Secret and the female main character of Neungsohwa. Dan-oh is the beautiful and only daughter of a wealthy family who still has a heart disease despite having been operated on multiple times. After sensing weird things happening to her, Dan-oh finds out that she and everyone else around her live in a fantasy world inside a teen fiction comic book entitled Secret,[c] of which she is only an extra character. As a character in Secret, she is engaged to Kyung, her crush for almost a decade, and could possibly die soon due to her health condition. Dan-oh was also a main character in one of the Writer's previous works, the period romance comic book Neungsohwa,[d] which is set in the Goryeo era. In Neungsohwa, she is Lady Eun Dan-oh, a noble maiden betrothed to Prince Baek Kyung. Archived from the original on September 13, 2023. Retrieved December 21, 2009. ^ 幽遊白書 パーフェクトファイル No. 2 (ジャンプコミックスセレクション) [Yū Yū Hakusho Perfect File No. 2] (in Japanese). 1995.
Notes[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ a et b La première saison est programmée pour la nuit du 1er octobre 2018 à 24 h, soit le 2 octobre 2018 à 0 h JST. Références[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ a et b (ja) Fuse, « 転生したらスライムだった件 », sur Shōsetsuka ni narō (consulté le 7 mars 2018) ↑ a et b (ja) Ichishi Iida, « 意外と知らない. 『転生したらスライムだった件』が常識を超えて「爆発的ヒット」したワケ », sur Gendai Business,‎ 30 janvier 2021 (consulté le 5 février 2021) ↑ a b c d et e (ja) Fuse. , 転生したらスライムだった件 8.