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Assane is smuggled into the theater with assistance from a disguised Benjamin and Philippe Courbet, actually an accomplice of Assane and Benjamin whom they had found attempting to steal Arsène Lupin books. When the music starts, Assane sneaks into Hubert's private box, holding him at knifepoint and forcing him to confess to having framed Babakar and orchestrated his murder, as well as the murders of Fabienne and Léonard and the kidnapping of Raoul. Assane is chased extensively through the theater by Hubert's men but manages to get onstage, where he publicly accuses Hubert of all of his crimes, including stealing from the foundation. He succeeds in evading the police by disguising himself as a firefighter, and sends Guédira a recording of Hubert's confession. While Guédira, Laugier, and Belkacem take Hubert and Dumont into custody, Assane steals a speedboat and arranges a reconciliatory meeting with Claire and Raoul on a nearby bridge. He apologizes for the pain his actions have caused them and tells them that he needs to stay away for their safety.