In the anime, Boruto came across Denki Kaminarimon who was being bullied by some kids. After rescuing him, they become friends and insist that Denki stands up to his father for being forced to join the Academy against his will. The next day on route to begin his studies at the Academy, Boruto unknowingly awakens his dōjutsu and notices a dark shroud surrounding Denki. As he follows him onto a Thunder Rail carriage, Boruto stops Denki from taking revenge on the
bullies from the previous day and divert the carriage from crashing. Boruto and Denki then depart with the bullies and take the carriage to the Academy's entrance ceremony, where they manage to crash it into his father's stone face, leading to him receiving a two-week suspension. For the next two weeks, Boruto is home-schooled by Hinata. After returning to the Academy, he is placed in Shino Aburame's homeroom, and introduces himself to his classmates, to which they begin
talking negatively about him for being under the impression Boruto gets special treatment for being the Hokage's son. He soon met Iwabee, who views Boruto negatively. Through the heated encounter, the two decide to fight each-other in a match. Upon barely defeating Iwabee within the rules he set in place, his classmates view Boruto differently then they did initially. Later, when Boruto's recklessness caused some property damage, Shino decided to have Boruto and other students help repair to the Hokage Rock.