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Later it turns out that he leaves her dead body on some meadow. In the anime, the whole scene is presented in a quite different way. Baki also imagines that he keeps his living mother on his back, but after a while, it turns out that he goes through the city alone. A police officer also stops him there, but then detective Kido comes in and tells him to leave Baki alone. Later, Baki decides to go on a long journey to meet powerful opponents to fight. That's when he swears to himself seriously that someday he will defeat his father. Baki travels the world for two years and defeats various martial artist. Now he is 15 years old. Baki finally comes to Brazil and meets Dickson. The young fighter visits him with the intention of fighting, but it turns out that the Brazilian martial artist is heavily injured and is currently in a wheelchair. Dickson tells him about the Underground Arena in the Tokyo Dome and that this is where he was defeated, losing everything he had in life.When Sawamura got up, Ippo got Sawamura to the ropes with hits to Sawamura's body and guard. Sawamura clinched and made Ippo fall down with him. When they both got up, because Sawamura purposely loosened his glove tape, the referee paused the match to let Sawamura's second fix it. When the match continued, Ippo became alert as Sawamura changed his stance to an unorthodox one with his left hand extending out. Ippo attempted to get close to Sawamura, however, he was unable to succeed due to the fast jabs called the "Bullet". The second round then ended. Ippo getting hit by Sawamura's Flash. In the third round, Ippo used a Cross-Arm Block to counter Sawamura's Bullet. When Ippo got close enough to attack, he was hit by Sawamura's Flash, which almost caused Ippo to fall. After getting hit multiple times with the Bullet, Ippo steps into his range where he gets hit again with the Flash. Leaning on Sawamura after the hit, the third round ended.