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A manga adaptation by Yuyu Ichino began its serialization in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive on January 27, 2016. A manga adaptation of the sequel light novel series illustrated by Shia Sasane began serialization in the same magazine in December 2021. An anime television series adaptation produced by Lerche aired with the first season in 2017. A second season aired from July to September 2022, and a third season premiered in January 2024. Set in the prestigious national high school 'Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School' established by the Japanese government, the story is dispute over a class 'Class A' whose members are destined to achieve any desired success after their graduation. Plot[edit] See also: List of Classroom of the Elite characters The Japanese government has established the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School, dedicated to instruct and foster the generation of people that will support the country in the future. The students are given a high degree of freedom in order to closely mimic real life. The story follows the perspective of Kiyotaka Ayanokōji, a quiet and modest boy, who is not good at making friends and would rather keep his distance, but possesses unrivaled intelligence and incredible physical ability. He is a student of Class-D, which is where the school dumps its inferior students, widely considered "defective". After meeting Suzune Horikita and Kikyō Kushida, two other students in his class, the situation begins to change and he starts to get involved in many affairs, and his thought of an ideal normal high school life begins to get scattered. Media[edit] Light novels[edit] Classroom of the Elite[edit] The series is written by Shōgo Kinugasa and illustrated by Shunsaku Tomose.Anime News Network. December 18, 2016. Archived from the original on December 6, 2018. Retrieved December 20, 2016. ^ "声之形(2017)". Cbooo (in Chinese).