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The ranking system is atrocious and representative of everything wrong with shonen anime. Why would the ranked 299 person realistically even have a shot at becoming one of the best players. It’s this unnecessary from the bottom to the top type writing that tries to
maintain hype through introducing opponents of increasingly high rank. This might work for some, but to me, it’s tedious to sit through knowing that someone with more power but with even less personality will appear and none of this matters. Take Nagi for example. How on earth does he have the ego to say he’s the best player as he’s introduced when he’s ranked 250 something in this facility alone. It’s just meaningless
fluff because it’s obvious they’re trying to drum up some kind of idiotic point where he realizes oh he’s not god’s gift and there are people that challenge him here. Then Rin comes along with a similar ego complex, but is just stronger and replaces what little Nagi’s purpose was. The part that really infuriates me is that after what seems like these development arcs for each of these characters. They’re reduced to these shells of their former selves and are added to Isagi’s collection of assets like they’re all tools in Mickey Mouse’s toolbox. “Oh toodles!!! Who will I pass to today?" As he bring up 4 options to the screen.
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So why, you may ask, does the community hate the Goblin Slayer? Detractors have argued that the Goblin Slayer’s combative fury embodies the worst aspects of the “Unstoppable Rage” archetype. You know, the same “Unstoppable Rage” every Shōnen hero experiences
when they lose their shit and unlock a dormant power they never realized they had, until that very moment when they needed it most. In addition, they claim that the excessive amount of fan-service has
been rather excessive. Excessive or not, the fan-service has been a point, with a plethora of great camera angles and side boob action to boot. Lastly, they assert that none of the characters exhibit a genuine personality, or display any growth throughout the series.
Because Goblin Slayer is the hero the MAL community deserves, but not the one it needs right now, so we’ll ridicule him.