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This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Les carnets de l'apothicaire, tome 1 (roman) - BabeliofermerAccueilMes livresAjouter des livresDécouvrirLivresAuteursLecteursCritiquesCitationsListesQuizGroupesQuestionsPrix BabelioRencontresLe CarnetLivresAuteursLecteursCritiquesCitationsListesQuizGroupesQuestionsPrix BabelioRencontresLe Carnet Découvrir AccueilMes livresConnexion Les carnets de l'apothicaire, tome 1 (roman) infosCritiques (41)Critiques presse (1)Citations (37) Forum Ajouter à mes livres
Natsu HyuugaLes carnets de l'apothicaire (ro. tome 1 sur 2
Touko Shino (Autre)Laureline Chaplain (Traducteur)Ombeline Marchon (Traducteur) EAN : 9782371023376
634 pages
Lumen (25/08/2022) 4. 35/5 146 notesLes carnets de l'apothicaire, tome 1 (roman) Résumé : Une jeune apothicaire face aux arcanes du pouvoir impérial.
À dix-sept ans, Mao Mao mène une vie dangereuse. Formée dès son plus jeune âge par un apothicaire des bas-fonds de la capitale, elle se retrouve enlevée et vendue comme servante dans le quartier des femmes du palais impérial. Pour échapper à la mort dans cette forteresse coupée du monde extérieur où complots et machinations se succèdent, la jeune fille doit cacher ses connaissances – bref, .

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where she is confronted by Victor. He kills her repeatedly in order to force her to get to the end of the story where he can kill her for good. He plans to use her death to weaken Andy's psyche and take control again. Fuuko awakens outside the train station where she and Andy first met. Victor quickly arrives to finish her but is stopped by Andy. Andy ultimately wins by using his finger bullets to transfer Fuuko's Unluck onto Victor, ending with his head getting trapped in a capture tool. Afterwards, Fuuko decides she wants to talk to Victor. When asked him about his relationship with Juiz, Victor states that due to his love for her, he wanted to kill her to end her suffering. However, he says he now believes Fuuko's Unluck is the key to defeating God as she has learned to personalize her Unluck. Fuuko asks him how to leave the story and Victor tells her to kiss Andy. The two kiss as Fuuko fades away and Andy waves goodbye.