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Cette affaire a été vue par des hommes d'affaires très sérieux. Il faudra voir ce qu'il y aura à faire à ce sujet. Voyez si cela vous accommoderait. Voyez, la chose vous convient-elle? Si cela arrive, nous verrons ce qu'il faudra faire. Voir une affaire à fond.
Ceci est à voir, Ceci est à examiner, à vérifier. D'une façon moins déterminée, C'est à voir.
Je verrai, nous verrons, il faut voir se disent en parlant d'une Affaire sur laquelle on se réserve de prendre un parti et signifient J'examinerai, nous examinerons, il faut examiner.
VOIR signifie particulièrement Inspecter avec autorité, veiller à. Cet homme n'a rien à voir à ma conduite, et je n'ai pas le droit de voir à la sienne. Qu'avez-vous à voir dans ma maison? Voyez à ce qui se passera. Retrieved February 16, 2022. ^ ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 10 (in Japanese). Media Factory. Archived from the original on October 30, 2021. Retrieved January 25, 2019. ^ "Classroom of the Elite (Light Novel) Vol. 11". Seven Seas Entertainment. Retrieved February 16, 2022. ^ ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 11. 5 (in Japanese).
They are weak creature with childlike intelligence individually, but as a mob are a destructive force which can lead to the devastation of entire towns. An interesting yet believable problem in this world. So then, how is it believable to think that there is only one person that acts in response to this problem? Because the anime has mainly taken place around a small town there is a possibility for other adventurers similar to Goblin Slayer to be primarily hunting goblins in their own areas of the world. But thinking on a large scale, if goblin mobs can and already have been a significant cause of wiping out various towns, would someone not think that their effect to agriculture and the overall economy poses a severe threat on a national scale, to where even adventurers seeking glory and fame would end up losing money? I would have at least expected some form of intervention – here is an idea: have some adventurers hired as a form of security for farmers against a potential goblin attack. Or at least have the guild girl not allow novices to take these jobs when it is made apparent how many novices and kidnapped and killed off by goblin mobs! If so many are dying because of this fact, maybe it would be best to intervene, even if with just a simple warning about how dangerous they are, and how prevalent this is. If only Goblin Slayer had more consistency in its world that more people could admire, instead of trying to subvert common fantasy anime tropes and then as if almost contradictory to itself maintaining a level of unbelievability behind how these aspects work in its story.